Not that people probably care

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Hey guys! To anyone that didn't immediately exit out once realizing this wasn't an update, thank you lol. So I wanted to explain my future plans for this story.

At the current moment, I plan for this to be a trilogy (whether I get there is a whole different story). I already have the complete idea of how I want this story to turn out, I'm just trying to write all the chapters. Life, however, has managed to get in the way of that.

For some backstory, I have only been 18 for about a month now and I am a full-time college student, work a full-time job, and am already living on my own. My situation as home wasn't great and I managed to rent a place with two amazing roommates. To sum it up, life has been hard recently and I'm trying the best I can to keep my head over water.

I love this story and the characters I created, so I obviously want to continue this story. The support from you guys has been amazing and brings a smile on my face. It's because of you guys that I work so hard on these chapters.

Chapter 5 is almost done so it should (hopefully) be out soon. I thank you guys for being so patient with me and your continued support:)

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