Chapter 6

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Many things have changed since the first task. Harry had done surprisingly better then expected (considering many thought he wouldn't even survive) and some started to believe he could have a shot at winning it all. Rita Skeeter had heeded Amelia's threat and had not published anything on Harry. However, in her threat she unfortunately forgot to include Harry's friends.

"'Swedish Bonbon Viktor Krum?' I don't know how you could try to write this bad." Remus shakes his head at the Daily Prophet, reading the article claiming Hermione to have a taste for famous wizards. "I feel sorry for the poor girl. It's already bad enough dealing with gossip at school, now she literally has hers plastered over every new paper." There the couple sat in Grimmauld place on the old couch as they did nearly every time Amelia came to visit. Remus held a copy of the latest Daily Prophet, reading the newest lies the Rita Skeeter managed to get on the front page. Amelia sat with her legs ontop of his own, with a warm cup of tea in her hands that contrasted the ever declining whether outside. It wouldn't be much longer until Christmas, and a full year passing since the start of their secret relationship.

While Remus was by no means embarrassed by his relationship with Amelia he knew that now was not the time. Given their relationship starting when she was a student and he a teacher (while not her teacher but still very much in a role of authority) Remus knew others would take it the wrong way. Add that to the fact that he was a known werewolf and Amelia was pureblood with a high status and many available suitors, there could be a complete rampage if they weren't careful. There were times that He still worried if he did indeed take advantage of her. Amelia was his wolf's chosen mate, and while she was not a full werewolf, Remus liked to think that she had chosen him as well. This connection would always cause them to come together, but he still argues with himself that he should have waited longer. If only he was capable of restraining himself better, she might have gained a normal life to freely love who she wanted out in the open.

He loved her enough to let her go if she asked, but a small selfish part of him prayed with everything in him that she wouldn't. An even smaller part, completely void of his own wants and solely for the sake of her happiness, almost wished she would.

Remus folded up the paper, placing it to the side and grabbing Amelia's tea as she finished it. "How's Harry doing?" he asks, putting her now empty cup on top of his discarded paper. She smiles, a small but genuine smile that brightens up her entire face as she thinks of the boy she has now become a guardian to. Despite the short age difference of only four years, The pair adjusted to her new role of guardian well. Amelia had always seemed older then her peers, having to grow up quickly due to the early loss of her parents. Becoming an adult in the eyes of the law and as head of the Stryker family name gave her a seniority that few had.

Amelia knew Harry before the time of becoming his guardian. They didn't speak too much (during the holidays with the Weaselys being the more common times) though they were able to connect over their lack of family. It was only natural for them to create their own. Amelia truly began to care for him as if he were her own.

"Better, now that the rumors of him putting his name in isn't being discussed now. Though I can tell in the letters he's still having the nightmares." Remus sighs, pulling her legs toward his chest, his hand caressing her knee in comfort. "Has he spoken to anyone else about the dreams he's having?" She shakes her head looking down "Only Sirius, but he's not able to reply often so it's not as much help as I'd like it to be. I'm really worried about him. Someone intentionally put his name in a dangerous tournament to either kill him or something we have yet to find out. I almost hope it's the former so I could at least know how to stop it from happening." She looks up to him, eyes filled with worry "he's just a kid Remus, why someone try to do this to him?"

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