"The truth hurts"

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Alex's POV: 

It was a normal morning for some not  so normal plans. I was finally going to face my past as Lexie Grey. I wasn't sure how Meredith would react  she was always a wildcard. Mark...Mark would be happy to see me. Derek was always so nice to me before Meredith excepted me as her sister so I guess he would be happy too. Alex and Jackson will be happy to see me. Even if we have history we were always meant to be friends. I just hope that Kara and Meredith would get along. Kara will definitely feel the need to stand her ground but i want time with Meredith before I introduce them. 

Third person POV 

At the airport:

Alex had just picked up Zola from an apartment she was staying in it looked nice. 

"Kara are you coming or not!" Alex was already late but had to wait for Kara. Its the least she could do for not telling Kara she had another life. 

"I'm coming I'm just calling Lena she's coming with us she has business there and why not come with us." 

"Fine but tell her to hurry surgeons are always busy." 

Alex's POV 

At Grey Sloan Memorial: 

I walked in and saw the hospital was now called Grey Sloan Memorial. Meredith and Mark probably got promoted. I was looking for Meredith but saw Amelia talking with Chief Webber. As much as I wanted to say hi I had to find my sister.

Third person POV:

Alex stood in her tracks and made Kara bump into her from behind. Alex had seen Meredith her sister that she had missed very much was right in front of her. Her intention was to run up to her and give her a hug but she knew Meredith. She walked up to Mer and received a go away from Meredith. After all she was helping a patient from dying. She decided to go to the cafeteria and wait there. 

"Kara lets go grab something to eat in the cafeteria yea?"

"Sure all that food in the plan was horrible and I want hospital jello." 

As they went to he cafeteria she bumped into Alex. 

"Hey watch where your going- LEXIE!" 

"H-hi Alex. Don't freak out I don't want to cause a seen." 

"How the hell am I supposed to not freak out your dead!"

"Kara take him into the on call room please? Alex brace yourself." 

"What why what's going on-" Before he could speak Kara had already locked him in the on call room. 

"Uh Alex I think people where in there... doing-" Alex covered Kara's mouth as she knew what she was going to say. 

"Kara that is something we do here everyone is related by s*x." Kara shook her head in agreement. 

"What the hell is going on! Why the hell is my dead sister standing in front of me!" 

Meredith had seen Alex and was pissed. Kara quietly speed walked to the cafeteria and asked for Jello ignoring what was about to go down. 

"Meredith I can explain, just come with me." Alex took Meredith in a storage closet where Alex told her about her past life and her life as Alex Danvers. After fifteen minuets of explaining and Arguments Meredith was fine with Lexie coming back. After all she was always just fine. 

"Oh and Meredith my sister Kara wants to meet you. Can you please be nice to her she didn't take this well. She freaked when Zola called me Aunt Lexie at her DEO training. Meredith's eyes shot up 


"Oops sorry Zola. Oh and I might have locked Alex in a storage closet.." 

"We will get him out soon but Lexie I also have another sister. Her name is Maggie pierce and has been there for me many times so be nice?" 

"Um ok deal you get "Maggie" and I will get Kara."

In the cafeteria: 

Alex, Meredith and Lexie walked into the cafeteria and saw the Kryptoinian eating six cups of jello. 

"Oh Alex over here this jello is amazing what company is it from? Lena needs to get this kind of jello for her Hospital."

"Lena? who is Lena?" Alex quickly responded before Kara got defensive  

"She is-" 

"Lena is my wonderful girlfriend and she is going to join us on this trip to Seattle after she finishes her meeting at her hospital." Kara stood proud. Maggie quickly shook Kara's hand and turned on geek mode.

"OMG Lena Luthor? The Lena Luthor! She is one of my favorite business women! Hi nice to meet you I'm Maggie Pierce." 

"Wow they hit it off. Hey Mer where's Mark I've been looking for him?"    

"Oh Lexie you should sit down.."

"What why tell me where's Mark!"

"He died on the plane! He is dead Lexie I'm sorry.

Sorry for the cliffhanger 

word count 811.  

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