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Esmè had booked a doctors appointment to confirm her pregnancy and to get a midwife. Esmè knew her head was still a mess about being pregnant. She felt like her life was going to change. But she didn't know if it would be for the best.

She woke that morning to a text from Max;

I'll be there for your appointment. I promise - Max x

Esmè smiled slightly. She loved how Max had stepped up and he was being there for her. She knew that they weren't even together. But they were friends for the sake of their baby.


Esmè went to the school and sighed. Rachel was there for her. She looked at her mum. "If you've come to start, then save it. I feel rotten," she said as she rubbed her stomach.

Rachel shook her head. "I can't believe you were stupid enough to have had unprotected sex with Max Tyler. Now look at the predicament that you're in. Esmè you had your whole life in front of you," she said.

"Excuse me? This baby will make my life better. How dare you assume that I've ruined my life," she spat.

Rachel sighed. "Esmè I didn't say that. I'm just disappointed."

Esmè shook her head and walked off. She didn't know why Rachel was so against her having a baby. Especially as she knew she could support herself and her baby.


Max walked into Esmè's classroom. She smiled up at him. "Hey. Is everything okay?" She asked.

Max nodded. "Yes. Will you go to dinner with me tonight? After the appointment?"

Esmè smiled. She nodded. "Sure. Why not? I have nothing better to do."

"Good. I think we need to have a proper talk about this baby. Especially now we know we want to keep it," Max said.


Esmè met Max outside of the hospital. She smiled. "Hey. So are we ready for this?" She asked as she looked at him. She sighed. "I'm scared."

Max took her hand and smiled. "It'll be okay. We're going to see our baby. Get a due date and then I will take you for some amazing food," he said.

"Amazing huh? That confident?"

Max smirked. "We both know I'm amazing. Or else we wouldn't be standing outside a hospital about to see our baby," Max said.


"Esmè Mason?"

Esmè and Max stood up and walked into the room. The midwife smiled. "Hello Esmè. I'm Linda and I'm your midwife. Can I just ask you a few questions?"

Esmè nodded and smiled. She looked at Max who held her hand. "Right. You're currently twenty-two?" Linda asked.


Linda nodded. "And this is your first pregnancy?"'she asked. Esmè nodded so Linda spoke again. "Are you okay to discuss the options you have for a pregnancy?"

Esmè smiled. "I don't need to know the options. I'm keeping the baby."

"Okay. And is this the baby's father?"

"Yeah. This is Max Tyler."

Linda smiled. She wrote down some notes. Esmè sighed. She knew that it was complicated with her and Max. And the fact they were having a baby together just made things even more complicated.


Max and Esmè went to take her car back to her place. Max had offered to drive them for dinner. Esmè knew that she didn't want to complicate things.

Esmè looked at him. "Why don't we just stay here and order in some pizza? I know it would be better."

"If that's what you want?"

Esmè nodded. The two of them went inside. Max smiled. "You get comfy. And I'll order the pizza. What's your favourite?"

"Just a cheese one."

Esmè and Max were lying in bed together. They were heatedly kissing. Max ran his hand up Esmè's thigh. Esmè looked at him. "We shouldn't be doing this," she said.

Max frowned. "Why? We've done it before."

"I know. But I don't think it's right. We shouldn't complicate things," Esmè said as she felt Max teasing her entrance.

Max smirked and winked. "But it's not complicated. We've both had sex before. And it was amazing. So why fight it?"

Esmè nodded and they kissed again. But neither of them were aware of how complicated everything was going to become now that they had crossed the boundaries again.

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