Protective Brother

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(A/N) I'm this fic  you are Tadashi's younger sister and hiro's older one

You walk into your aunts cafe with the biggest smile. You hug your aunt tightly. "Hey kiddo what's gotten into you.?" You ignore and make your way straight to the room you share with your brothers hiro and Tadashi.  You hug them both tightly.  Hiro  says"ewww get off" Tadashi give you a weird look and hugs you back. You start humming your favorite love song and you take out your phone and start typing away and laughing  and gushing at every text. Tadashi and hiro are still in awe "wow (Y/N) I've never seen you giggle or type so fast" hiro says. "Who are you talking too "Asks your older brother Tadashi. "Yeah,since when do you have friends" hiro adds. You pay no attention to hiro and your cheeks turn bight  red. "Nooooobody" you say with a giggle. Hiro just gives you a weird look but Tadashi's face hardens "ok (Y/N) who is he." You pretend to be shocked. "What makes you think there's a HE." Tadashi gives you his really face and you say "ok ok fine his name is (R/G/N) and he goes to my school and he asked me out today and I said yes!" You squeal . Tadashi tenses up. The though of his sister who is only sixteen with a boyfriend  made him uneasy. "(Y/N) don't you think you are a little young to be dating"

"Of course not" you say "he loves me and I love him." You continue. "Who old is he" Tadashi asks you knew he wouldn't approve "he's s-s-seventeen." You say. Tadashi's face turns bright red with anger "(Y/N)!!! he's a whole year older than you!"? You have never seen Tadashi so upset or protective. "Give me your phone." Tadashi says "No your not getting my phone tadashi!" he really just wanted to protect  you" um...I'm sorry I-i-i just like this guy alot." You say softly . "Its OK Sis , can I See A Picture Of him ? " Tadashi asks. You show him a picture. "Are you serious  this guy wears all black, and he has a leather jacket with some sort of gang sign on it and he has a streak of blue in his hair!!! Tadashi yells, aunt Cass comes down "is everything ok" She asks  you nod and so does Tadashi she leaves. You hear a text alert and you glance at your phone. "I'll be back " you say hiro nods and Tadashi says "(Y/N) where are you going?" You say " on a date with (R/G/N) and you can't stop me." You told anut Cass you were going out with a friend and she approved. when you got there your heart  shattered you saw (R/G/N) sitting and sharing a smoothie with another girl. He saw you and he said "babe i-its not what it looks like." You were trying so hard not cry "oh really because it looks like your dating another girl!" You yelled. Everyone was staring at you and him you were humiliated. You ran outside and I started to rain heavily just great you though I have no boyfriend  and I'm gonna be sick you pull out your phone and text Tadashi trough  teary ,blury  vision

You: Tadashi please come pick my up its an emergency

Tadashi: I'll be there right away

A few minutes later you heard his bike. He saw you crouched down in the rain with no umbrella or coat. "(Y/N) what happened" he says you start crying real tears now you say "you were right Tadashi I'm to young for love I don't know what love is." Your voice is horse and stained because of your crying " he cheated on me he's in there." Tadashi's face reddens and he busts inside handing you his umbrella. "Where is (R/G/N)!!!" You hear him yell you hear him lecture about hurting his sister.  You hear a hard punch and Tadashi walks out with no injuries. You realized that he had just punched (R/G/N) in the face. You shiver and sneeze twice " ta-" you say but he cuts you off " don't speak (Y/N) just,dont" you start to cry harder and you fall to your knees but  before you hit the ground Tadashi catches you and you ride home with him. Aunt Cass watches both of you walk in. You were soaked but Tadashi only had a few drops "get put of those wet chlothes  and we will talk about this tomorrow  and Tadashi up to bed." Cass says you change  and you are still crying. Hiro is asleep but Tadashi isn't you are crying silently so you won't wake hiro.  "Tadashi?"you wisper "do you remember the promise you made to me and hiro?" " of corse I do" he said "I promised to always protect you and hiro." He says " thankyou Tadashi " you say and walk to his bed.  You sit with him.  He his you and you soak his shirt with salty tears.

You both fall asleep.

ok so maybe this one was better, I could add a part two
If you request it. Thanks ♡♡♡

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