Little Girl (2)

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You walk upstairs to the boys room and sit on hiro's bed. You can't think of anything besides that little girl. Where could she be? You try to dismiss the thought that something bad happened, but there's still that little seed of doubt in your mind that you can't get rid of. You here footsteps come up the stairs, you expect to see hiro and you scowl. Instead you see Aunt cass "Hey sweetie " she says "how are you feeling." Suddenly you can't take it. You blurt out everything , the girl , the strange man, and how hiro didn't want to lose you so he wouldn't let you go. By the time you finished some tears had escaped your eyes. Tadashi and Hiro walk in. "I'll give you guys some space" She says and with that she's gone. You get up and say" umm I'll be back in a bit just gonna um take a walk" you say. You were supposed to sleep over so your parents would never know what you were really about to do neither would Tadashi or hiro. As you walk out the door you didn't realize that hiro had followed you. You were at the narrow black gate. You pull it gently and realize it's open. You take a deep breath and step on the first step. You gasp as you see tiny wisps of red liquid on the stone walls. Hiro isn't far behind so he sees you. "(Y/N) what are you doing!?" He wispers . "Hiro I have to see what happened either you come or you don't but I'm going" you wisper back. With that you walk down the narrow stair case. "(Y/N) what are you doing!?". Hiro wisper yells. You ignore hiro and walk down the hallway, hiro followed. You stop at the sight of a door and you put your ear close. You hear tiny yelps of pain that could only come from that little girl you and hiro saw. Tears fill your eyes hiro notices and hugs you. " Hiro we gotta help" you wisper. "We will (Y/N)." He says. suddenly you see a shadow in the shape of a man you and hiro lean against the wall hard and don't even take a single breath. You peek around the corner and you see him go inside a small door that he has to crawl through. Shortly after the man crawls through you hear high pitched bone chilling screams. You glance at hiro who is startled just as much as you are. You too silently agree to find out what's going on. You crawl through the tiny door and see the same little girl but bruised and bloody. Hiro signals the girl to come and she silently runs to us. You pick her up and make a run for it. You hear the man's gasp and loud aggravated grunt. You hear the door open loudly and you run faster. You hiro and the little girl run to the police station and file a report. You and hiro are standing on the middle of the station when the little girl hugs hiro and you. "Thank you" she says in the cutest voice. "Your welcome" you and hiro say in unison. Just ands her parents come to the police station you lean down and kiss her. You and hiro walk out of the station hand in hand.

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