Little Girl

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You walk into the Lucky Cat Cafe. "Hiro why didn't you let me see what was happening  to that little girl!?" You ask/yell. "Because I can't lose you (Y/N). If that girl really was being kidnapped who's to say that man wouldn't  harm you too" he says. "Well how would I ever know now ,that girl could need help!" You say. You remember  just a few minutes before.
Flash back
You and hiro are walking across a skinny black gate in the middle of a deli and an apartment building.  There is a dimly lit satire case that  led to, well you didn't know where . A man walks by holding and silent little girl about 6 or 7 by the arm. He opens that gate and walks down the stairs with her. They are both silent. "Hiro what's that guy doing with that little girl where's he taking her?"you ask quietly. Hiro shrugs " maybe he's the super and that's his daughter" he says "then why is he wearing all black with a hood " you ask. Hiro doesn't answer he knew as well as you did that wasn't his daughter. You reach for the narrow gate and your about to pull it open but hiro pulls you away. "(Y/N) what are you doing!?!" Hiro asks frantically
End of flash back
"(Y/N) hello, earth to (Y/N)" hiro says staring at you waving his hand in n front of your face. " what, hiro" you say darkly. You can't stop thinking about  that little girl what if she's dead  what if she's being tortured . You turn and walk away from hiro to his and Tadashi's room.  "(Y/N) are you really mad at me for protecting you!" Hiro says loudly. "Of course  not hiro I'm mad at you because you didn't let me help that girl  she could be dead! " You say louder. "Woah what's going on" Tadashi asks curiously. "(Y/N) wanted to help a little girl that, we'll was maybe being kidnapped." Hiro says . "Maybe! Hiro we both know that she was kidnapped you should have let me help.  We could save her maybe it's not to late we-" you are cut off by aunt cass'  voice "time for dinner kids! ". You walk down the stairs glaring  at hiro.
A few minutes  later 
You still haven't touched your food. You can't eat or think straight  knowing you could  have helped. "(Y/N) honey  what's wrong you haven't touched your food" aunt cass says worried. " I'm fine aunt cass I'm just not very hungry" you say  as you leave the table. Hiro sighs and face palms himself

So I didn't  have alot of hw  today so I decided  to update. Part two will be up soon.
Bye for now♡♡♡

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