Chapter 1

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Audu searched through his closet, glancing back at his best friend through his computer screen when he jokingly said, "save that for the guys, naw, haba!"

He turned around and slipped on a shirt, shaking his head slightly. He never could understand why Funsho never judged him for who he was but he knew only that he was deeply grateful to have not lost such a good friend over it. He had lost enough people, already.

"Look, I'm going to work now, guy."

"I can't believe your new boss is making you come to the office and do a nine-to-five instead of how you used to work from home. It's not fair, for real but I thought you weren't going to start till next week...?"

"I feel like going there, anyway." Truth be told, he had a rendez-vous to attend but Funsho didn't need to know that. He still liked to keep some things about himself private. Funsho understood that.

"Mmm... You. You feel like willingly going to that office ruled by a witch. Sure, right. Have fun o, I'll see you."

"Bye, bro." The line went dead and he sighed softly. There was a twinkle in Funsho's eyes. He clearly knew something else was up and Audu could care less. He just wanted to meet someone, that was all. Living on a programmer's salary afforded him a rather nice apartment but it felt too empty too often.

His mother would blame him for that, what with the lack of grandchildren at the ripe and ready age of twenty nine. He let out an amused yet nervous huff at the thought of her, his expression turning morbid for a moment before he realised he was thinking too deeply. With a steeled expression, he convinced himself that this would be a good idea and swiped his keys off the kitchen counter top, headed for the door.

Tosan, on the other hand, was already out and about in Lagos, Nigeria, his usual billion dollar smile on. Another day, another party was the man's life motto and he was swarmed by girls the moment he stepped into the club. Random men came by to hype him up and he passively agreed to spot their bill, uncomfortably making his way away from them as they rose their voices in praise.

His eyes scanned the throes of people for a suitable target. The one in his sights was all the right standards of a woman to be lusted after. She had the hips, the chest, the short dress and the fair skin. He walked over, absolutely glowing when she weakly objected to his company by telling him she had just gotten out of a breakup. All the more perfect. A few minutes later, he moved away from her and dusted himself off, ignoring her expression.

"Well, well, well... Tosan, billionaire playboy is a one-minute man. Who could have known." He glanced at her and she cocked her head to the side, amusement in her eyes. Tosan had been called every name in the book for his little problem but what he hated so much more was being mocked. He was about to reply, cut off when his phone buzzed. It was a message from his father. Tosan could already sniff smoke. What had he done, now?

"I'm leaving. Here. Transport fare." He threw some money on the bed, disgusted by her and she waved goodbye with a throaty chuckle, collapsing into the bed afterwards, nodding slowly to herself.

He tried to give himself an ego boost as he rushed to his father's office. The woman wasn't important, he needed to focus on how to appease his dad. He was hardly ever in Nigeria for too long so usually, a couple of thousand blows of how he was a degenerate, worthless son and always had been would be thrown. Afterwards, he could see some more months of freedom before the cycle repeated itself.

His stomach dropped lowly as he reached the door. He had kept a confident smile on for so long in the day that he couldn't wait to get the meeting over, get in his car and return to his usual morbid state. He made sure he looked remorseful and entered, feeling his own temperature drop as he instantly met eyes with his father.

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