Chapter 14

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Tosan's blood ran cold. He stared at Audu, yelling that he should lie to them all with his eyes but to Audu, it wasn't that big a deal. There were explanations for every single moment so he nudged Tosan playfully, about to speak when he slammed a hand against his mouth with reckless abandon, not knowing the fire he sparked in Audu's horny mind with the gesture. "Audu, buddy, shut the fuck up. He's going to down ten shots."

"But Tosan-"

"Do it, do it now, you're not saying anything." He knew it was making it even more obvious that they had most definitely kissed before but it made more sense that they all knew it had possibly happened than to know it wasn't just a one-time occurrence. Audu wasn't the kind to lie, his mother raised him that way so there was no doubt in Tosan's mind that he would talk.

"Well, Jesus, I guess we know who the dom is. And the sub, of course." Tosan instantly nodded his head at Audu who gasped, pulling the hand off his face in indignation and folded his arms.

"I'm a switch, ode."

"Oh, please. I told you you're a total sub, dude! One hundred percent!" Gabe hadn't talked much the whole party but Audu didn't need to hear that. It felt like betrayal and he glared at one of his best friends, hating that everyone else was nodding in approval except Kwame who observed silently as usual.

"Well, actually... I won't explain what I mean but there was that one time in the park... That was... Definitely not submissive. But that's the only time I've ever seen a glimpse of that side, really. Otherwise, you're anything but dominant and commanding-"

"Fuck you, Williams."

"Time and place, Bakare." He sent Audu a wink, forcing a smile when Audu's buddies all made 'ooh' sounds together. He would never flirt with Audu in front of so many people but he wanted to hurt Kwame in some way and playing with the only toy he didn't and would never again have control over was a satisfying move. Kwame didn't seem at all moved but Tosan hoped behind the calm facade, he was beating himself up for letting go of Audu. How could any man be stupid enough to do such a thing?

Before he realised, Audu was already giving his answer to the question while he had been distracted, his tone cautious. "A couple... A few, I dunno."

Tosan rolled his eyes and rose to his feet. He muttered something about the toilet and disappeared, leaving a little tension in his wake. Gabe exhaled, running a hand through his hair.

"Well hallelujah, Mister Buzzkill is finally gone for a while. Quick, let's all get out of here, leave him to be a homophobic dick." Brandon facepalmed, frowning when some people laughed with Gabe. He managed to force a smile and the blonde let out a soft sigh, grinning weakly when Brandon kissed his temple.

"Whatever, guys, don't make it weird. There's a simple explanation for every time. I mean, the first one, it was alcohol. Second? To trick my boss and co-workers. Third was a very heavy, heavy amount of alcohol at a rave. Fourth was fooling my boss, again. And then of course, today's dumb fucking dare by our darling Lady Diamond herself to make about five. So you see? It all makes sense, let's move on-"

"Wait, but how about that competition thing you told me about?" Everyone turned to Nolan and they squeaked a little, muttering 'nothing' quickly. The guys kept pressing on until finally, he had to look up and beg Audu with his eyes to let them say it. To be honest, Audu needed some advice on the matter, anyway because it still came into his mind and confused him at random moments. Besides, he was gone so what would be the harm in sharing a little more information? They sent Audu a softly whispered sorry even after he had nodded to allow them and kept going.

"Okay... So no one should make it a big deal but there was this competition Tosan was in and then they both kissed, afterwards. No drunkeness, no boss, no dare so...?"

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