How I Met My Husband

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The day we met

5 years ago....

I was peacefully riding the semi-crowded train home from school, two days after buying the new iphone my mom called. “Don't forget to come home early, you have to get ready for the meeting” my mom said.

“I am on my way home but I will not dress up for someone that I don’t want to marry” I said. 

“I told you already, you will marry him.”

“Who has arranged marriages these days?”

“My friend and I made an agreement when we were younger.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah I know the deal your children are supposed to get married so that the two of you could be relatives.”


“Goodbye mom, see you soon.” I hung up. The train suddenly stopped and the guy next to me slammed into me and my phone dropped near his feet. I pick up my phone “Ya!" I tap him on the shoulder to get his attention he turns around and he was wearing a mask with sunglasses and a cap Is he a gangster? “Excuse me, you bumped into me” I said 

He rubbed the back of his head and apologizes. This guy is not a gangster. I looked down at my phone and saw that the screen was cracked then showed it to him “Ya! What are you going to do about this?” 

“I’m in a hurry right now, but I can give you my name and number just give me a call later and I’ll have it repaired.”

“Do I look stupid to you? I know a place two stops from here that repairs phones.”

“But I am in a hurry.”

“Ya! Do you want me to go to the police?”

“Okay okay but I don’t have time to waste."

His voice sounds familiar, but I cannot figure out where. “Do you go to Seoul High school?”

“No, are you in high school?”


I’m in such a bad mood already plus this happens, my mom is going to kill me for being late.

After going to the repair store we were back on the subway platform. My train arrived and he also boarded it. Is this guy following me? I get off at the next stop to wait for the following train to take me home. “This is Yeongdeungpo station" the conductor announced. I ran off the train, up the stairs to the street and all the way home. I take a look at my watch “I’m late.”

I quietly opened the gate hoping that my mother would not hear me come in then I could go to my room and pretend that I was home all along. “Yoona!” my mother whispered loudly “You are late. They are already here.” She tried to fix my hair as she ushered me to the main area where everyone else was. “Annyounghaeseyo” I bowed and act as courteous as possible. “Hyolin your daughter is beautiful, right Donghae?” his mother got up to pinch my cheeks. I glared at him and he nodded his head. Donghae? He’s in Super Junior. 

I pulled my mom aside “Mom, how do you know these people?” I whispered. 

“I told you I grew up with his mother.”

“Mom, you grew up with someone who is the mother of a famous person?”

“I use to babysit him when he was a baby.”

“Really? You’ve changed his diapers?!” I laughed. 

I turn back to them and Donghae smiles at me. We went back to join them.

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