Let's Have a Baby

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Recently Donghae has been hounding me about having a baby after his latesst photoshoot featuring a baby. 

"I'm telling you honey just imagine those tiny bright eyes looking up at you, you won't ever want to let him go" Donghae says before shoving a spoon full of porridge into his mouth.

"What if we have a girl?" I say.

"That'll be good too."

"Like I told you yesterday and the day before that and the day before the day before that,  I'm not ready to have a child yet maybe after our fifth anniversary we can start talking about babies."


"Let's be realistic, with your hectic schedule you'll barely be able to be here to take care of the baby and I'm not ready to quit my job to raise a child."

"We could hire a babysitter or you can drop the child off at our parents' house."

I put my spoon down on the table "I will not have someone else raise my child." He's not thinking logically about it.

I've lost my appetite so I start clearing the table. I try to not look at him but everytime I sneak glimpses at him I see him staring back with that face that melts my heart and makes me forget what I was angry about to begin with. Stay strong Yoona, don't give in.

He stands up and pulls me towards him. "I'm sorry, we'll talk about it when you're ready."

"Okay. Don't forget we're having dinner with our parents today." I give him a peck on his lips "Can you finish cleaning up here? I have to leave for work soon."

I run upstairs to the medicine cabinet to take my daily supplements and birth control pill. I open the medicine case with each compartment labeled one to thirty-one. Today is the last day of the month so I opened each compartment to prepare it for the coming month. Day fifteen and twenty-one are still filled. No no no no no, this isn't happening, please be a dream. I run down stairs where I see Donghae wiping the table with a cloth "Honey, do you remember whether you wore a condom every night last week?"

He stops and looks at me "I think so, I can't remember. What's wrong?  Do we need more? "

"Yes, I'll pick a box up from the store after work." I walk back upstairs, to refill my case before leaving for work. 


"Pssst! Ya Yoona come" Boknam whispers loudly from the doorway of her office. 

I walk over to her cautiously. "Good morning to you too."

"Do you have-- you know that thing for-- when you have--"


"Tampons!" She quickly covers her mouth. She pulls me into her office.

"Yeah, I've been walking around with these in my bag for a whi--Oh my gosh I think I might be pregnant."

"You're pregnant!"

"Shhh! I said I think I might be."

"You should take a pregnancy test."

"I will after work right now I have 28 children to take care of, see you later." I place two tampons on her desk then leave.

At lunch I go up to the roof to call Donghae, I haven't been up there since that day Jonghyun appeared. I dial Donghae's number and get his voice mail "Babe, call me back as soon as possible, it's not an emergency but I need to talk to you asap." I call my doctor next to see whether I could go in for a blood test since it's the most accurate way to determine a pregnancy. "Okay Mrs. Lee we can schedule you in for 4pm" the receptionist says. "That's perfect, thank you."

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