Saesangs and My Hubby

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There are two types of fans, fans who stalk and fans who don't. We haven't been able to go on regular dates like a normal couple because he might get spotted by a fan and the secret will be revealed. When we went house shopping we made sure we looked for a house with an automatic gate that leads to a driveway and a side door so that Donghae could sneak in without being notice by our neighbors or worse a saesang.

It has been a two weeks since Donghae and I have been living together; it almost feels like a dream, if it is I never want to wake up.

"Babe did you hear that?" I shake him.

"It's probably a cat outside or something."

"It's not a cat I think someone is in the house."

"The alarm didn't go off."

Then we hear a glass break. Donghae quickly gets up and grabs the baseball bat from our closet. "I'm going to check it out."

"I'll come with you."

"No. Wait here it might be dangerous."

"Be careful."

"If I'm not back in 10 minutes call the cops and stay up here. "

I nod. He leaves the room. I can't hear anything that's going on downstairs every second that passes feels like an eternity. He returns after 7 minutes and 20 seconds. "What was it?"

"Someone broke in" he says nonchalantly.


"Seems like a fan followed me home."

"That's scary, I didn't think they would find you here."

"Me too, I need to be more careful. I'm sorry to put you through this."

"As long as you're here to protect me I'll be fine."

He wraps him arms around me and we go back to sleep.


I open my eyes and I am pleasantly surprised to see the man I love sleeping next to me. I trace his nose with my hands.

"Good morning" he says sheepishly.

"Sorry I did not mean to wake you up."

He smiles at me. I look at the clock "I have to get ready for work." I give him a peck o the cheek before I get out of bed to get ready. After I get dressed I put on my apron to prepare breakfast for him.


"I won two tickets for a spa weekend, do you want do this weekend?" Boknam asks.

"Sorry, I was going to spend time with my husband."

"Right-- he's back in town."

"Yeah. I should go, I have a class."

I turn around and my head bumps into Jonghyun's chest. I quickly fix my hair and bow "I'm sorry."

He smiles "It's okay."

"Mr Hong follow me to my office" Boknam says.

I walk quickly to my classroom where I find my students seated quietly waiting for my arrival.

"Good morning class."

"Good morning teacher Lee."

A student at the back of the class put her hand up. "Yes Minju."

"Teacher Lee, is Mr. Hong married?" she asks.

"You should ask him that the next time you see him. Okay, so did everyone do their homework yesterday?"

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