The New English Teacher

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Donghae brushed the hair on my fair to the side "Good morning my lovely wife" Donghae says. I open my eyes and smile sheepishly at him "Good morning." I peak at the clock behind him and see it's 5:45 am. He kisses me on my forehead.

"You have to get ready for work."

I put my head on his shoulder "Just fifteen more minutes of sleep." He shifts gets up and my head hits the pillow "Ouch. I normally wake up at 6."

"I thought we could have breakfast together."

I sit up and the bed sheet slides off "Okay, what do you want for breakfast?"

"Get ready, by the time you're dressed I'll have breakfast ready."

I kneel on the bed in front of him and pinch his cheeks "My husband is so thoughtful. I'll go get ready."

20 minutes later...

As I walk towards the kitchen the smell of pancakes and syrup fills the room.

"Honey that smells great, it reminds me of the pancakes we had at that American dinner a few months ago, did you make it yourself?"

"I had them deliver breakfast."

"I didn't know the open this early."

"They're not."

I arrive in the kitchen and see the table set up with 4 separate stacks of pancakes, syrup, a jug of orange juice and two roses in a long neck vase in the middle. I walk over to him and put my hands around his waist "thank you." We share a few short kisses before sitting down at the table to eat. He looks at me as I put the blueberry pancake on my plate.

"I have the day off today, why don't you call in sick today?"

I give him a worried look at him. Is he serious?

"I'm joking" he smiles.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"I have to teach the trainees today but I'm free after."

"I'll try to come home as soon as possible, how about we do dinner and a movie or indoor rock climbing."

"Or both."

"Or both" I agreed.

"It's 7:30, I'm going to be late." I scramble to grab my stuff.

"Don't worry I'll drop you off."

"No! Someone might spot you."

"I'll wear a mask and sunglasses."

I kiss him on the cheek "Thank you for breakfast I'll see you later." I quickly left before he was able to stop me.

I try to sneak pass the teacher's office as I am late and missed the morning briefing.

"You are late again, Mrs. Lee" the headmaster says as she steps in front of me.

I bow "I'm sorry."

"You missed the morning briefing, and the new teacher."

"New teacher?"

"Yeah" she rubbs her arm nervously "I hope you won't mind but I hired Hong Jonghyun."

"Hong-" she covers my mouth with her hand. She presses her index finger to her lips "Sh!" she says.

"Hong Jonghyun?!" I whisper loudly. "I thought he was in the America."

"He was but now he is back, he saw we were hiring and applied for the job."

"Does he look the same?" I ask.

"No, he is even better looking than he was before."

"Oh." I suddenly remember the past and lower my gaze.

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