Chapter 3 ☯

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Chapter 3:Our bond continues to grow

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Chapter 3:Our bond continues to grow.

I woke up and realized the child wasn't behind the couch anymore. Instead they were laying next to me tugging at my shirt. I smiled at them and that's when I noticed a white bandage wrapped around my injured hand. I leaned in closer to give them a kiss on their forehead.

"Well since they're sleeping I might as well make some breakfast for them."

He stands up and begins to make you breakfast. He takes out his ingredients and everything he needed to make the perfect breakfast for you.

"I'm not the best like Fuyumi but it's the least I can do." He says glancing at a suprising well done break feast.

I looked over and saw the sleepy child rubbing their eyes. They looked so adorable as Midoryia would say .We both stood there not saying a word to each other. Until they pulled the chair back and waited for the food to be given to them.I placed the food towards them and it seems like they enjoyed it since they asked for seconds right away.

"Thank you." They said quietly.

"Hmm?" I looked over to see them picking up the plate and showing it to me. I assumed they said "thank you?" So I just smiled back "your welcome."

They smiled back with an awkward smile but it was fine. As I washed the dishes I noticed they would just sit there waiting for something. Almost as if they were waiting for directions? I had to find out where they came from and how they ended up in the alleyway.

"Say? What's your name?" I said while I awkwardly patted their head.

They were about to speak when they saw something and ended up running behind my back for protection. I looked to see what scared them but there was nothing. It seems like they just imagined it and that's what scared them.

"There's nothing there. Even if there was, I'll protect you." He said Seriously while looking at the child.

"My name is Y/n."

"Do you have a last name?"

"I don't know. I can't remember if I do," They said putting they're hand under their chin thinking about they're question.

"Hmm. Do you want your last name to be Sora Todoroki? That's if you want to."

"Hmm that name sounds nice. I'll use it. MY NAME IS Y/N SORA TODOROKI AND MY DAD IS Shoto Todoroki THE PRO HERO." They said standing up on the coffee table and yelling proudly. After realizing what they had done and said they quickly covered they're mouth and looked over to see me shocked.

"Whoops. I sorry I didn't mean to call you dad." They said flinching before i quickly hugged them.

I hugged them tighter and lightly kissed their forehead while telling them "Never be embarrassed to say who you are because you're my child and my little life. I promise you I will aways protect you because you're now my son/daughter and nothing will ever change that my child."

They're hands were still down and didn't hug me back for the unexpected actions of me until they hugged me back as hard as they could while they cried and cried in my arms all while chanting "I have a dad now." All while i still embraced them letting them know they were no longer alone.

This poor child had gone through who knows what and hearing them say i'm their dad now triggered something in me and i began to cry with them as well. I can only assume they heard me sniffling as they looked up to see me crying.

"Thank you my son/daughter." He said, wiping his tears while still embracing me and giving me light kisses on my face.

" He said, wiping his tears while still embracing me and giving me light kisses on my face

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Y/n Todoroki Pov~

I pulled his arm away. Instead I took his hands off his face and wiped away his tears. Seeing him cry in front of me made me realize that maybe there is people who are kind like him. I glanced over his two eyes and began to cry ounce more. I placed my head on his chest and cried more than he did. He pulled me closer and patted my back while telling me to let everything out.

I never thought I would have someone like him. Im glad he's the one who found me...

Hours later~

"So you don't really remember where you are from." My dad said while focusing on moving his chess piece.

"Nope. I only remember waking up in the alleyway and that's about it." I said while swinging my legs back and forth while moving my piece ahead.

"Hmm. Well since you're my adoptive daughter/son I guess you live here now."

"Hmm?" I said looking over at him with a shocked face.

"Yea. I mean since you are my kid. You should at least have your own room too."

You turned around to see someone fly fast by the window. You ran up to the glass window to see the person but they were gone. As you looked down you saw people to walking at their own place from seeing them at such a high place.

"Oh wow. We're so high up I didn't realize it." I said as I happily jumped in excitement.

"Would you like to take a stroll outside?" He said sticking out his hand.

"YES, OF COURSE." I said taking his hand exiting our house.

You happily took his hand and walked with him outside. Before walking outside he put a hat on you while he put on a fake mustache and a hat. As soon as they went outside the paparazzi just sat down ignoring you guys.

While walking down the street happily with your new dad. A certain bird man and another mysterious man have there eyes on you.

"Hmm interesting. So this is the famous Y/n Todoroki huh Touya?" The winged pro hero said while looking over at the man with scars all over his body.

"Don't call me that. Also yea that would be them huh?" Dabi said, looking in your direction with a smirk.

"Besides it's not like they're a true Todoroki." He whispered while watching you happily walk down with your new father.

" He whispered while watching you happily walk down with your new father

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"EHH WHAT WAS THAT DABI." The winged pro hero yelled to his partner.

"Nothing." He said exiting the roof top's building.

His little Life (Shoto Todoroki x Child Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now