°°°°Chapter Five°°°°

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Chapter Five


Phillip was a small pony with a shaggy coat. He was brown in color with a thick, black mane and tail. His muzzle was tan and he had tan circles around his chocolate colored eyes. He was already saddled and ready to go.

"Um, Legolas, I think you forgot to put the stirrups on."

"No I meant to do that. If you want to learn how to ride bare back then you cant use stirrups."

"Wait a minute, you never said anything about riding with out stirrups or bare back."

"And I never said anything about using stirrups and a saddle either." he smiled. "Up you go then." He picked her up as if she was a feather and placed her on Phillip's back. The pony tossed his head as weight was placed on him and he stomped his hoof twice.

"Can I have the reins please?"

"Sorry, I forgot to put those on too." he replied holding up a lead rope.

Legolas led her through the small hallway and into the outdoor arena. Cody blinked in the blinding light and squinted her eyes against the sun. Legolas took them to the middle of the arena and made Phillip walk in a large circle.


"Sink down into your hips and brace with your knees. Remember, heels down toes up." Legolas called from the ground.

Cody had been riding Phillip for three days and Legolas had let her trot him around with out the lunge line.

"Alright, come to the middle." Legolas told her.

Cody pulled gently on Phillip's hair and turned him towards the elf.

"I think you're ready to canter now." he said as he reattached the lunge line. Cody's eyes widened in fear for she did not think that she was ready. "Don't worry. Have you ever ridden a rocking horse?"

"Yes when I was very little." she replied a little out of breath.

"Good. Cantering a horse feels just like riding a rocking horse. Move your body with his like you're urging him on." Before she could respond Legolas clicked a few times and lightly pushed Phillip telling him he wasn't done. He walked in a circled a few rounds, then Cody told him to go into a trot.

"Now, when you're ready, to canter squeeze with your inside foot and reach back and kick with the outside foot at the same time. Also too, give him a little smooch instead of a click, and remember, heels down toes up." he instructed her.

Cody was still afraid of cantering and had Phillip trot for about three minutes. Finally, she did as Legolas told her and got Phillip into a slow canter. She moved her body with his and it felt as if she was flying.

"Whoo hoo!" she cried. She spread her arms out like wings and tilted her head back. Legolas was beaming at her and brought Phillip back to him.

"I think that's enough for today." he said with a smile on his face.

Cody could do nothing but smile and kiss Phillip on his neck.

"Good boy." she cooed and gave him a few pats. She slid off of his back and led him back into his stall. She untacked him and began to brush through his thick pelt. She picked out his hooves and then combed through his mane and tail. When she was finished she gave him a hug around the neck and a kiss on the nose.

She skipped out of his stall and through the rows of horses all the way to her room. She undressed and went to the bath and filled it with warm water and soap. She sank down into the water and let it sooth her tired muscles. When she was done she changed into a simple yellow dress. She headed to her door when the splinter let out a blood curdling shriek. It shifted in her mind and caused her so much pain she sank down on her knees and then curled up in a little ball. She grabbed both sides of her head and tried to make it stop.

She opened her mouth to scream but nothing came out. When she thought she was going to die of pain it stopped. She laid there, breathing hard, not knowing why the splinter had a sudden outburst. When she tried to stand her legs felt like jelly and she crumpled to the floor. Now she understood, it was feeding, it had drained all of her energy and was growing stronger.

'Why did this happen to me?"


Frodo sat in his bed reading Bilbo's book "There and Back Again: A Hobbit's Tale." He was fascinated that Bilbo didn't want to go on an adventure and would have rather stayed home. He was getting to the part where they encountered the trolls when he felt a tugging in his chest. At first he thought it was the Ring but when he picked it up it felt very light. Again he felt it but this time it was more forceful, and then it stopped. When it was done he felt a tingling sensation around it like it had been numbed and was waking up.

He rubbed his chest several times where it had pulled him and then relized it was were he had been stabbed. He opened his shirt to look at the nasty scar but it looked liked nothing had happened.

'I wish the Ring had never come to me.'

---------------All of the riding instructions Legolas gave Cody are actual tips that my riding instructor has taught me. I did not have to look up those things so this was a fun chapter to write.:)-----------------

I'm dedicating this chapter to @neonsunshine1 because she has read my book all the way!

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