Ch. 1 ♡

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I slammed the door to my locker and slung my bag over my shoulder, then jogged to catch up with my friends.

"I swear it did," My friend Monique said, "If the most popular girl in the school said so, it's true."

"I don't know, she might be lying," My other friend Danielle, or Dani, shoved her hands into her jacket, "Who has sex when their parents are home?"

I widened my eyes and turned to them, "What is going on?"  They both gasped before bursting out into laughter.

"Oh you know, just casually talking about people having sex while their parents are home. No big deal," Monique laughed it off. We took a seat at our usual lunch table and I took out my lunch bag.

"Nerd," Monique teased me and got out her lunch money.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out my subway and started munching on it. I looked over at Dani and saw her writing frantically on a piece of paper.

"The real nerd," I said and let out laugh.

"Shut up, Jamie," Danielle said and flipped her history book over– that's what she got for taking AP classes.

I crushed the wrapper of my sandwich and got up to throw it away. While I did, I bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry," they apologized.

"No it's okay," I said and walked back to the table.

"Who was that?" Monique wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"My next boyfriend," I sarcastically said, "I don't know. A human."

Monique shook her head and took a bite out of her salad. The bell rang, signaling us to get out of the cafeteria and into our fifth period class.

"Hey Jamie can you give me ride? I don't wanna take the bus today," Dani asked me while we were walking to our locker.

"Yeah of course," I said and took out my English book.

I sat down on my seat and waited for the teacher to begin. I looked over to my right and saw the same guy that I bumped into, right next to me.

"Okay, since we're wrapping up reading Hamlet, we'll move onto our next project," Mrs. Abernathy clapped her hands together, "We're going to be moving onto a different book."

"What book will is it?" A redhead raised her hand.

"Little Women," Mrs. Abernathy smiled and held up a book, "Personally, I don't think its a good book. I think Wuthering Heights is better, but at least you all learn something new. You all have 10 minutes to read the first chapter– starting now."

I sighed and flipped the brown colored page, scanning through it. I turned the last page, then closed my book. I rested my head on my palm of my hand, and looked over to my right again and saw a guy staring at me. He smiled and waved, then threw a pink colored ball of paper at my face.

"Hi, I'm Jack," The paper read after I unfolded it.

I let out a little scoff before writing back, "Hi, I'm Jaime."

I threw the paper back and focused my eyes on the board, hoping that Mrs.Abernathy didn't catch me.

I felt something hit my cheek. I sighed and opened it up again.

"I know you're probably annoyed, but I just wanted to say hi."

I shook my head, "Well, you're taking away my learning time.. just kidding."

I threw it back quickly and wrote down the notes. The pink paper was soon returned on top of my desk and I unwrapped it again.

"Let's hang out after class? It'll only take 10 minutes."

"Of course, I'll hang out with someone some stranger."

The bell rang, meaning it was time to move onto our last class of the day. I flipped my binder closed and walked out of class–making my way to art class.

"Hey," The Jack guy ran up to me.

"Hey stranger," I smiled.

He chuckled and clung onto the straps of his backpack. "Not really strangers since you know my name and I know yours."

I laughed and stopped by my locker to drop off my books. "Is there something you need?"

"I can't make friends?" Jack asked me.

I smiled and walked into class.


The bell rang and I walked over to my locker to put my books away.

I turned around and bumped into someone for the second time today.

"I'm so sorry," I said and looked up at the person. It was Jack, the note passing guy.

"And yet we meet again," He smiled and walked beside me to the parking lot.

I laughed. "So what is it? You need me to do your homework? You want me to do your fake girlfriend? Is this a dare?"

Jack chuckled and kicked a rock in his way, "Nope, but the girlfriend thing sounds nice."

I smiled and also kicked a rock in my way.

"I just wanted to get to know you, be your friend," Jack said, "You seem like an interesting person."

"Really?" I asked in disbelief, "All I do is go on my phone until I fall asleep."

"Yeah well, I don't believe that," Jack said, "Maybe you just deny fun the first second you see it."

"Yeah well," I mocked, "that's true."

We both laughed and continued our walk to my house. The whole time Jack was telling stories about Mrs.Abernathy and our english class. Every time I glanced at him, he was smiling.

We arrived at my car, still laughing at something stupid.

"I actually thought you were a weirdo when I first saw you," I said honestly, "You're actually pretty decent person to hang out with."

Jack smiled and nodded, "Thank you."

I took out my key and unlocked the car door, "I'll see you tomorrow?"

Jack waved goodbye, "See ya."

I took a seat and started the engine, stupidly smiling about the thought of the him.


First chapter of the third book! :)

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