Ch. 6 ♡

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Jack's Point of View

"Jack? I'm sorry–"

I shut the door to my room before my mom could even finish that sentence, hurling myself onto my bed and groaning.

The living room lights were off and I saw my mom sitting in front of the television, she was just staring– empty bottle of wine in her hand.

"Mom?" I locked the front door and tapped on her shoulder, "Mom–"

"Jack why are so selfish?" She sighed, her eyes didn't leave the screen, "why do you want me to live so badly? It's not because you need me, is it? You'll be fine.. But you continue to take care of me. Why?"

I wasn't sure if she was all the way here, so I ignored it, "did you eat dinner yet?"

"Sometimes you're just so bad at hiding your feelings. I know you think I'm a maniac– staring and sitting all day. A worthless mother who can't even get a job or look at her son without seeing that dick of a husband!" She started to raise her voice.

"Mom, that's not true–"

"It is!" She yelled back and stood up, her empty bottle was being clutched by her hand, "you– you're tired of me I know. You hate working and looking at a lifeless body everyday. Just admit. Admit it! NOW!"

I started to get scared at how angry she was getting, "Mom! Stop!"

She threw the empty wine bottle at the ground in front of me, as if she was trying to hurt me on purpose. We stood there silently, I started to cry out of fear and she sighed, opening another can of beer to drink. Without thinking, I took the keys and started to drive towards Jamie's house.

If there was any voice or smile that was comforting to hear, it was her's.

And that was true, she calmed me down and helped me get through that. Jamie was good at doing that, even if it was my first time talking to her about my problems. Thankfully I didn't scare her away, she stayed with me.

I sighed again and forced myself to finish some homework and study for my mid-term, it was 11 o'clock at night but they were responsibilities. In the midst of studying, my eyes began to droop and I fell asleep on my desk.

The next morning was fine– my mom was still asleep on the couch and I snuck by her, I was picking up Jamie again for school.

"Hey!" I smiled as she got into the car, she put me in a good mood.

"Hello," She laughed and stared at me for awhile, "I see that you're in a better mood?"

"Better than yesterday," I said and started to drive to school. On the way there we had a jam-out session to Livin' On A Prayer– we had a few heads turned towards us because the music was so loud.

"We're halfway thereeeee!" We sang together, "livin' on aaaa prayer!" I parked the car and sadly, the concert had to end.

"Tomorrow we should play Highway To Hell," Jamie laughed, "ironic for school and all.."

"I agree," I winked and we parted our ways again– her going to the locker and me heading toward's the therapist.

I didn't tell Ms.Garcia about my mom throwing the bottle– she said that she would report any acts of abuse to CPS, I didn't want my mom to be taken away yet. It was also be a long trial that would bring my family back to me, something stressful that I couldn't handle yet. The school year was ending, meaning that we were going to graduate and go into college. I already applied for local University– now I needed to keep up my grades to ensure my spot, no distractions.

Sammy, Jack, Nate and I were all sitting down at a lunch table– Blair, Sammy's girlfriend, came with us this time. She recognized me from the ice cream shop and asked if I was dating Jamie– I said no, but we did like each other.

"She talks about you all the time, if you didn't know," Blair smiled.

"Oh– oh, really?" I scratched the back of my neck, "that's good, I guess.."

"Anyways," Sammy cleared his throat to avoid my awkwardness, "about that game last night–"

When the lunch bell rang we all packed up and got to our classes– well, Sammy and Blair lagged behind, but I got my class. Jamie was already sitting in her seat, getting her book out. I waved at her, she immediately greeted me back and giggled.

As usual, Mrs.Abernathy made us discuss the book and read for the first 10 minutes, Wuthering Heights wasn't bad at all– Jamie hated it, in fact she was falling asleep right now.

The bell rang for sixth period and she walked up to my desk, "what class do you have next?" She asked.

"Biology," I didn't wanna go today or any day. Jamie and I walked together to her locker and to my class, we were going on about the newest season of Game of Thrones– we agreed that it should end as it is and hopefully not go on too long like the Walking Dead.

"I'll see you," She said and dropped me off to biology. I smiled back– was asking Jamie to be my girlfriend a little too soon?

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