Ch. 4 ♡

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Jamie's Point of View

I shut the door behind my and leaned against it, my heart was pounding and I didn't know why.

"Jamie," My mom peaked out from the kitchen, "estás bien?"

I flashed a quick smile, "yeah. I'm fine. Totally fine, Mom. I already ate dinner with my friend– I'm gonna go upstairs and shower."

She waved me off and I ran up– my stomach was doing backflips the entire time I was with him. I tried my best to play it off as cool, but the moment Jack told me liked me I was going to lose it.

"Someone likes me!" I jumped on my bed and slammed my face on the pillows, "a boy likes me.. After 4 years of high school someone confessed to me!" I switched over to my back and started to kick my feet out of excitement, although I've only got to know Jack for a day, I wanted to talk to him more.

My attention drew over to my phone because Monique and Dani wanted to do a group facetime, I smiled and accepted.

"Bitch!" Monique yelled, "tell us what the fuck happens now!"

"Was he as nice as I told you he was?" Dani smirked, "he's nice, right?"

"He's nice," I trailed off at the thought of him, "I wanna see him again.. We're going out on Friday again."

"AHH!" Monique yelled at the top of her lungs. This was a big deal for us. None of us– NONE– has had a guy crush on them or a date in the past years of high school. Jack and I were their hope for one last sweetheart before graduation.

I explained what happened to the girls– Jack and I had this unexpected spark together. He was actually a guy that I wanted to see again. Usually the guys that I see at my school are immature and don't have a good reputation– but I liked being with him.

"Hopefully we get to know each other more," I dreamily sighed into the phone, "all I know is that he likes making his own music and cookie dough ice cream.."

"You're going to get there," Dani laughed, "it's only the first date! Many more to come–"

"–So don't fuck it up," Monique warned. We said our mini-goodbyes and ended the call, I took my shower and fell asleep before even knowing it.


There was never a day where I wanted Monday to come sooner– my mom was even surprised that I woke up before her yelling.

"Hey, kid," I signed to Yasmin, who was practicing her handwriting on the table. She smiled and continued, her eyes focusing on the paper in front of her.

My dad was back from work early, "Mija– can you make me some coffee?"

"It's already here, Dad," I poured and handed him a cup of black coffee– gross. If my dad was home early that meant that my mom was working today, I had to either take my dad's truck or walk to school.

Or call Jack for a ride, I thought to myself. He didn't live that far away from me, did he?

Hey, can you give me a ride to school? –Jamie

I clicked my phone off and finished my bowl of cereal, preparing for the rejection of a life time. Minutes later, my phone started to vibrate.

I'm on my way –Jack

"Fuck," I whispered to myself– it was a good type of fuck though. My dad and Yasmin already left to drop her off at her school. I locked the front door and already saw Jack in front of my driveway– he was so punctual.

"Hey," I said got inside, "do you live close by my neighborhood?"

He pointed towards the back of the car, "up the street. The blue house with the tree swing? That's mine."

𝙩𝙚𝙣 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙩𝙚𝙨 | 𝙟𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙜𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙠𝙮 | 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙Where stories live. Discover now