Chapter 3

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After school:

I'm so glad me, Haruto and Jeongwoo aced our Biology test. All our hard work from yesterday payed off.

I saw Haruto standing right next to my locker when i went to go get my stuff from my locker. "What is he doing standing next to my locker. Does he have something to tell me?," I thought.

He stared at me the whole time i walked towards my locker.

"Hey Y/N do you mind if we walk home together again?"

"No not all it's cool" I answered.

It was awkward at first because it was just the two of us but then Haruto broke the ice.

"Y/N can i ask you a question?"

"Yes go on."

"What do you look for in a guy?" he asked holding both the straps of his bag and looking down at his feet.

"Many things. He has to have a great personality. He has to be understanding, caring, a good listener, if possible tall, handsome amd many more although I wouldn't find all of those qualities in a guy" i said fidgeting with my fingers.

"Hmm you have interesting taste in men," he said and laugh. "What? Why are you laughing?" I asked.
He looks at me and says, "Nothing" and the same gentle laugh followed. I asked him, "What about you? What kind of girls do you like or what do you look for in a girl?."

"I like girls who have a good heart. Girls who appreciate my hard work. That's mostly it." he said as he looked at me in the eye. It was quiet for a new seconds. And then he asked, "Do you want to go get an ice cream?"

"That's so out if the blue but I'm down for it," I said enthusiastically.

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