Chapter 5

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In class:

I was currently in class. Our teacher decided to rearrange our seats so that we might be able to interact more with the people we haven't talked to or aren't friends with.

Believe it or not, Haruto sat behind me. What is it with Haruto these days? We always end up together somehow. Our teacher gave us 20 minutes to discuss about the new lesson we're working on in groups of four each to the people we sitting closest to.

Me, Haruto, Junkyu and Asahi were together.

Not to sound rude or anything but the people I got to work with weren't the smartest. I knew that I'd have to put more effort into our work than everyone else because my group mates won't be much help.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned.
"From F/N," Asahi whispered and gave me a pice of folded paper. I smiled at Asahi and and turned back around. I slowly opened the folded paper.

The piece of paper read: I have something very important to tell you. please wait for me after class

What could this important thing be? I turned around and looked at F/N. She simply smiled and waved and I looked at her confused.

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