Chapter 8

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I took a shower and went to my bed. I took out my phone from the pocket of my pajamas. I dialed Haruto's number from my contacts. I was wondering if he was going to answer this call or not.

"Maybe he isn't going to pick up I should just end the call. I can tell him about it in person tomorrow," I thought. But it was, however, too late. He had answered the phone.

"Hi, Haruto are you alseep?"

"Hey. No, I wasn't. What's up?"

"So it turns out that F/N and her family are going to mive out of the country because of his father's job and we are planning on having a get together before she leaves maybe tomorrow after school. Do you think you'll have time to join us?"

"Oh yeah totally
I stood up from the bench I was sitting on and found a book lying on the floor. The book was open with the pages facing towards the floor.

I picked up the book trying to find who it belonged to and to give it back to the owner. When I flipped over the book I was surprised. Ten ways to win over my heart was what was written in it.

It wasn't my intention to open someone's book and to read through it. But since the book was already open, I thought reading just this one page wouldn't harm anybody. And so, I read it.

The owner of this book definitely has to be a girl judging by the pronouns used in it. Y/N was here minutes ago so she was my first suspect. I turned back to the first page because people usually write their names there.

Y/N L/N's was what I saw when i turned the page over. My mouth went agape. I could use this as a way to win Y/N's heart. I just hit the jackpot.

I took out my phone and took of photo of the page that had the 10 ways to win Y/N's heart. I knew what I did wasn't right but I had a reason.

I put the notebook inside my bag so that I'll be able to give it to Y/N tomorrow in class or earlier if i have a chance to give it to her before class.

Seven Ways To Win My HeartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang