Chapter 11

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We were now at the cafe and I ordered two strawberry smoothies. "Here, it's my treat" i said and handed her the smoothie.

"I was the one who suggested to go here so i should be the one to pay."

"Technically yes but let me pay today maybe you can pay next time" i said.

Y/N fiddled with her finger a bit before speaking again.

"Haruto, I wanted to apologise for the way I treated you yesterday... I didn't mean to hurt your feelings in any sort of way but things just came out that way and I'm so sorry. I guess it was because of all the people observing the situation we were in."

"It's okay. I understand."
"Oh right, Y/N i believe that this is yours. I found it yesterday and I thought that I should return this to you" i say as i took out the notebook from my bag.

"Oh my God thank you Haruto! I searched for this everywhere no wonder why I couldn't find it at home."

Later when I returned home I crossed off two points off of my checklist for Y/N which were giving her compliments and making her a playlist.

I didn't say she looked pretty earlier just because I wanted her to be happy but because she really does look pretty. In fact, she looks pretty all the time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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