Chapter 1

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I entered the school building with shaking hands. I didn't expect that the whole "1st-school-day"- thing would make me this nervous. But I was. Yeah, I was pretty nervous. 

I felt like the first day in Thailand. I didn't know how I found this courage to move to a new country all by myself but I did it. While my mom was still in Ohio - she was a lawyer there and wasn't able to just leave- I was here. In the middle of an university in Bangkok.

It took some time until I found the office of the headteacher. But with new courage and a paper with notes in one hand I left the office just a few minutes later and made my way to the classroom. I knocked at the door before I entered. Around 20 students turned to me, checking me up and down like I was a model they had to rate. The nervous feeling came back and my whole courage was gone again.

"Oh, you have to be Mr. Russels, am I right?", a woman with dark hair asked. She seemed to be around her early- thirties. I nodded, still standing in the doorframe like an idiot.

"Come in. I'm your English teacher. Class, listen up", she said and turned to the class again, "this is your new student. Alexander Russels. He moved from America to Thailand. Be kind to him."

Slowly I made my way to the cupboard, playing with the piece of paper in my right hand. I heard some people whispering and noticed the glances the other students made, when I passed their seats. Somehow I realised that the teacher was talking to me again a way too late. I think she just introduced herself... but I didn't listen. But I won't ask her again. Instead I nodded again and stopped next to her. I looked up from the ground I was staring at and made eye-contact with a boy who sat in the middle of the classroom. He smiled at me in a way that made me believe that he really tried to comfort me. 

"I think you can sit next to the young man right there", she said and pointed next to the smiling boy. 

"Yes", I mumbled, bowed akwardly and rushed to the free seat. While I sat down, the other students looked back to the front, finally releasing me from their critical glances. 

"Hey, I am Pharm", the boy on the left mumbled.

"Pretty nice to meet you. You can... call me Alex", I answeredquietly and looked at him for a second. He still smiled. Even when he turned his face to the cupboard his smile didn't fade.

When the bell rang for the first time the whole class seemed to go wild. The students started to talk, while they were packing their bags. They hurried to leave the class as this were their only way to survive. Only watching them made me feel stressed. With shaking head I started to pack my bag und slowly stood up. Okay... I had no idea were the cafeteria was. Or were my next lesson was. To be honest: I was lost. 

"If you don't have anyone to spend the break with, you could come with me and my friends. Just if you want to", the boy next to me asked, seeming to be pretty nervous. He drove one hand through his short brown hair while looking at me through his puppy eyes. To see that he was kinda nervous as well made me feel much calmer.

"I would appreciate this a lot. Are your friends fine with that as well?"

The boy... what was his name again? Ah, right, Pharm... Pharm nodded and turned to the two students on the seats next to us.

"You are fine with some company, aren't you?", he asked. The girl - she seemed to be super kind with her big smile and the way she was clapping her hands while agreeing- and the boy - a young man with dark hair and a shy appereance- seemed to be totally fine with this idea. They went to us, the bags over their shoulders and looked at me.

"I am Manow. It's nice to meet you... Alexander, right?"

"You can call me Alexander. It's nice to meet you, Manow."

The boy didn't seem to be as excited as she was. But at least he gave me a shy smile, bowed and said: "I am Team."

"Nice to meet you, too. I... Thank you for not leaving me here alone", I said and smiled. 

Pharm laughed quietly.

"Come. I guess you are hungry. And some friends are already waiting for us", the boy said then, leading me to the door.

When Pharm talked about some friends I didn't expect two giants who were already in the third year. The taller one of the both boys - a boy with short dark hair - looked at me with a scary glance. He seemed to dislike me by that time. The other one - aboy with blonde hair and ponytail- grinned at me as I would be his prey he was ready to hunt.

"Alexander, let me introduce you to Win and Dean. Win, Dean, this is Alexander", Pharm said happily and pointed from them to me and back. The boy with black hair stepped forward and reached out his hand. "I am Dean, student of the faculty of Management, third year and captain of the swimming team", he introduced himself. I shook his hand carefully and responded shyly: "I am Alexander... Alex... Year one... Faculty of Economics..."

Now the blonde guy grinned brighter and hold back a laughter. I wasn't sure if he wanted to make fun of me or ... if he was really nice. But he seemed to notice my gaze because he spoke up immediatly.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to laugh. It's just cute how shy you are. You haven't to be afraid of him. He looks like a grumpy but is a pure softy. And I am a softy as well, right Team?", the boy said, taking a step forward. I looked at Team for a second, who blushed and faced the ground right away. My glance went back to the blonde one. How should I response to that?

"Well, I am Win, student of the faculty of Management, third year, member of the swim club", he mentioned and reached out his hand as well. I shook it, a way more confident now. So Win wasn't one of the bad ones. Well, even if I didn't know Pharm for long now I was already sure he wouldn't hang around with bullies. 

"And now", Win turned to the others, "let's grab some food. I am hungry!"



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