Chapter 13

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Slowly it became a kinda habit that Don and I slept next to each other. We spent every night in the next days together. And as soon as Don laid next to me, I felt safe. Comfortable. Completed. Perfect. Also at daytime Don took good care of me. He checked up at me every meal-time, made sure I didn't train to much and brang me enough snacks that me and my friends weren't hungry at any point. I also got a kind message after every lesson. When I met Don for the first time I didn't think that he would be... like this one day. 

So it was perfectly that he would join our trip. We spent the night before the trip at my place, so we were able to go with Pharm the next morning. Since Dean had to be at the bus earlier than us, Pharm offered us to drive with him to school.

"Good morning, P'Dean", I greeted the older one, when we arrived at the bus. 

"Hey, guys. You are perfect in time. We still have 10 minutes to go, so you can choose a seat", he said, giving us a short smile before he turned to some of the other team members who just arrived.

"You can go, I will wait with Dean", Pharm said and made his way to the black haired. I nodded and turned around to Don.

"Let's go, P'", I said, taking his hand and leading him to the bus. We took the free seats in the second row. It didn't take long until Team and Win sat down behind us.

"Are you ready for the trip?", Team asked excited and laid a hand on my shoulder. I nodded fastly. The last days I wasn't that excited but right now I couldn't stop tapping my foot. With a big grin on my face I turned to Team and Win, who also smiled brightly.

"You already were on the trip this year with the swimming club, right?"

Team nodded, while Win said: "Yes. it's the first time that we do two trips in one year. But you will like it. It will be hard but we will also spend some nice, relaxing time. Right, Team?"

Win looked over to the younger one, a smirk on his face now. Team blushed and shook his head smiling.

"Stop it.", he mumbled before he looked back to me, "But yes, he is right. It will be pretty nice. Listening to the sound of waves in the middle of the night while eating Lays is the best."

I started to laugh. "Lays? I thought you would be done with this stuff by now."

Team grinned, put his bag on his lap and opened it. A bundle bags of crisps were in it. 


With a fastly move Win grabbed one of the bags. Team looked at him with a bad glare.

"Did you just steal my crisps?"

"Sharing is caring, darling", Win commented, opened the bag and put one of the crisps in his mouth with a big grin. The black haired watched him frustrated before he looked back to his bag. Then he took two other bags and handed them to me and Don.

"But I won't share with anyone else", he mumbled, while closing his bag again. 

"Thanks, Team", I said, still grinning and turned back to the front.

"Everyone is there. We will go now!", Deans voice sounded from the bus entrance, when he stepped in. A loud chearing fullfilled the bus.

As soon as the bus started I laid my head on Dons shoulder. 

"You can rest until we arrive. I will wake you up then", my boyfriend mumbled, carefully stroking over my leg. With a smile I nodded - as good as possible - and closed my eyes. Like I mentioned... sleeping close to him was perfect.

After two hours we arrived at the beach. I slept the whole drive but didn't seem to miss anything. The most of the other club members slept until now as well. Carefully I stood up and followed Win and Team out of the bus, Don next to me. When I saw the huge beach infront of me I was totally awake. 

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