Chapter 9

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I couldn't stop smiling. Whenever my thoughts went back to the last evening the corners of my mouth raised.

"What did I miss? You smill a lot... like really a lot this morning", Win said, sitting down next to me.

"Nothing. I am just having a good day", I replied and looked at the older one. Win raised a brow but started to grin then.

"Just a good day? Why do I not believe you?", he mumbled, laying an arm around me. 

"If it's something about love, you can trust me. I think I can call myself an expert", the blonde one said confident.

"An expert? You? Alex, you shouldn't listen to him", Team interfered and sat down across of me. Pharm, Dean and Manow weren't in the cafeteria yet.

"Hey! How can't I be an expert if I made you falling in love with me", Win said, raising his brow again, a big smirk on his face. I saw Team blushing for a second before he kept talking to me, totally ignoring Wins comment.

"You don't have to tell me what made you that happy. I am just happy that you are happy", Team said with a smile. Win started to laugh quietly.

"My boy is such a softie, isn't he?", he commented. This time Team gave him an evil eye. 

"What do you talk about?", Pharm asked when he reached our seats, Dean besides him.

"Just about this boy who seemed to be totally in love. Or he won 100.000 baht. We don't know yet", the older one explained still grinning.

I looked up at Pharm and Dean.

"Can you tell him that I am just having a good day, please", I asked them with a small smile. Pharm giggled and sat down next to his Team.

"Win, stop annoying this poor man", Dean said, sitting down next to him. Pouting Win leaned back and crossed his arms. Before he could say anything about the situation again, Manow entered our spot and started to talk about some news she heard right away.

"So, do you wanna tell me why you are such in a good mood?", Pharm whispered, when we sat next to each other in the classroom. I looked at him for a second with a grin.

"Me and Don... met yesterday and talked", I replied, starting to grin brighter again.

"You talked? You mean..." 

I nodded.

"Yeah. Out of nowhere he started... to talk to me about...", I blushed a little but couldn't stop smiling. Pharm gave me a big smile back.

"That's amazing. I am so happy", he mumbled, obviously sharing my happiness.

"But... he didn't tell Dean yet. And I don't want to tell him first. I don't think Don is ashamed or that Dean wouldn't react in a good way but it's his brother. So I wanna let him talk to him first, I think. I think Win and the others shouldn't know yet. I really don't want Dean to find it out because one of our friends talk about it", I told him. The brown haired nodded.

"I totally understand that. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone", he answered, patted my shoulder and turned back to the cupboard.

Since the school project was over and there was still time until the exams would start, I focused on swimming again. The training became harder but I gave my best and trained whenever I had time for it. This year we had the chance to go to a training-camp for a second time. How far I knew the boys were already at a training-camp a few months ago but our team was pretty good and some of our swimmers would take part in a big competition, so we were allowed to go there again. This was a big chance. To be able to train the whole day without lessons in between sounded amazing. 

After the swim training Dean told us to wait.

"There are only a few weeks left until we will go to the training-camp. In the next weeks I will start to make groups for our upcoming training. Make sure to attend to the training daily. There are still some free seats for the national competition and the director told me that we have some swimmers in the group who will be able to qualificate. So give your best", he said, looking from one person to the next with a serious look. Approving murmur. Then he released us.

Back home I got a new message of Don.

'Hey, Lex. How was your day? I wanted to ask if you wanna come around this Saturday and stay overnight. Dean is with Pharm and Del is with some friends the whole weekend.'

I replied fastly.

'Hey, Don. Training was hard but it's fine. How was your day? Of course. I will be there around 7pm. Alright?'

Then I got a call of Pharm. I picked up, kinda surprised and sat down on the bed.

"Hey, Pharm. What's up?"

"Hey, Alex. I... I have a question. In the last weeks you mentioned that you are still looking for another apartment to live, right?"

"Yeah. Why do you ask?", I asked curious.

"Sin told me that the flat at the end of the floor will be free soon. The student who lives there at the moment wants to move to Korea. So I talked to the lessor and said that I knew someone who could be interested in the dorm. The price isn't that high, so probably you want..."

"Thank you a lot, Pharm. I would love to check it out. How can I reach the lessor", I answered, already exciting.

"I am very released you say that cause... I already asked him if you could check it out tomorrow afternoon", he mumbled kinda guilty.

"But I have training after school."

"I know. But Dean already told me you could come to the training a bit later. That's fine", he calmed me.

"Thank you, Pharm. You are an amazing friend!"

The apartment was much more comfortable than mine. It already felt like a home when I entered the room. And it would be less expensive as my dorm. So there was no reasons to not take it. When I talked to the lessor for the first time, a small, old but very friendly man, he told he how happy he was that I wanted to take the dorm. I thought he would let me move in next month but instead he said I could move in next week. I hadn't much stuff so I was totally fine with it but I still didn't expect this. As soon as I signed up the contract I felt relieved. Finally I could make myself a real home in Thailand.


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