Chapter 6

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Pharm decided to declare our researches for ended. He didn't want me to go home alone so we decided to wait for Dean, who wanted to bring Pharm home anyways. Since I was still not ready to go back to the library, Pharm told me to wait for him at the school entrance. I told him that he should say sorry to Team and Manow for just leaving.

"Don't worry, they will understand it", he calmed me and left the restroom. I took a last look at the mirror, fixing my hair before I made my way to the entrance. In the distance I saw Dean leaning against the wall, waiting for us.

"Hey, P'Dean", I said and gave him a small smile. He looked at me with a worried look in his eyes and greeted me gently. Okay... this was awkward. I put my hands in my pocket and faced the ground. An uncomfortable silence arised. But it just took a few minutes until Pharm appeared.

"Hey.", he said smiling, obviously trying to lift up the mood, "We can go if you are ready."

Dean nodded and pushed off the wall. 

"Yeah, let's go", he said fastly, making his way to his car.

It was a quietly drive but at least it was less uncomfortable. When Dean stopped the car infront of the house where my apartment was, I thanked him and Pharm and left the car quickly. 

This time my dorm seemed to be a way too quietly. A way too lonely. But I wouldn't have wanted to leave it again for this day. I made my way to my bed and dropped myself on it. I didn't tired but done. Ready to forget about this day. With one hand I pulled my phone out of my pocket when I remembered that I forgot about the meeting with Don. I definitely wasn't able to go there. Not today. He wouldn't hate me for this, would he? Kinda nervous I opened my chat with Don.

'I am so sorry but I can't make it today.'

This message was too short, too unpersonal and definitely the worst way to cancel a meeting. But I sent it. Wow, I messed up a friendship even before we called each other friends. I left the chat and answered the text of my mom, she had sent me a few hours ago.

'Hey, Darling. How was school today? You already told me that it's pretty stressful these days, so I hope today was less stressful. Take good care of yourself. Don't skip a meal! Love you'

'Hey, mom. School was good. Me and my friends are still working on the project. Don't worry I will take care of myself. Be careful as well! I will call you this weekend. Text me when you are free. Love you a lot.'

I sighed quietly. She shouldn't have to worry about me, so I decided to keep my panic attack to myself. I put the phone next to me on the bed and looked up to the ceiling. Pharms words came back to my mind. How did I deserve a good friend like him? We didn't know each other for long but I already didn't want to loose him as a friend. 

A knock at the door pulled me out of thoughts. Slowly I sat up and went up to the door. Probably Pharm forgot anything. But when I opened the door, I didn't see Pharm infront of me. I saw Don. He looked at me worried but smiled when we made eyecontact. Then he held up a bag with food.

"Well, I heard you weren't doing well today, so I decided to bring some food for you. You should definetly eat enough!", he said handing me the bag. How could he have been here so fast? He seemed to notice my questioning gaze. 

"Dean mentioned it when I told him about our plans today. So I wanted to check on you. Don't worry I already read your message. It's fine. We can go another day", the older one explained and put one hand in his pocket. 

"Don't you ... wanna come in? I think it's enough food to share", I mumbled, didn't want to just let him go. Not after he was so understanding and caring.

"Sure. Thanks", he answered and went into my apartment. I closed the door behind him and placed the bag on the table. 

"If you wanna talk about today, I will listen. If you wanna have distraction, you have to listen to me", Don started talking with a mischievous smile on his face. He sat down on one of the chairs and watched me opening the bag.

"Well, I think distraction sounds well", I responded, placing one of the pack with frites infront of him. 

He talked with me about school, his currently projects, new games and the movie we missed at this moment. But even when we weren't at the cinema we had a lot of fun just talking in my tiny apartment. I totally forgot about the fear, sadness and panic I felt today, when I was talking with him. He gave me a safe feeling in a way I didn't understand yet. It was already close to midnight and Don decided to go home.

"Dean would kill me if I am too late", he said jokingly and stood up. I grinned and stood up as well. Dean already looked like a protective brother so I believed him right away. 

"Then I will wait until you are home safely. Do you text me then?", I asked while I walked to the door with him. He nodded and patted my shoulder.

"You know what? I think this evening was nicer than just sitting in the cinema. But you still wanna go there next week, am I right?", he said then. I nodded.

"Yes, of course. And I think this was a pretty nice evening, as well. Thank you for the food. And for coming around", I replied and smiled at him.

"It's fine. Take care of yourself. I will text", he said goodbye to me and left the apartment. Leaving me back in my dorm. But this time I didn't feel alone or full of fears. I felt ... good. 


Thank you for reading :)

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