My Childhood Buddy

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Leafy's POV

Coiny and I sat together at one of the rounded lunch tables, where yet again, he was being a sore loser. "No! Not there! You're supposed to write the X there! In that box!" Coiny said, crossing his arms. We were playing another game of tic tac toe. This was our 72nd game. He's lost 71 times in a row. How? I have no idea.

"Dude. If i put the X right there, you're gonna win. If you wanna beat me, you've gotta get good." I snickered, drawing the line. I had won..again. Even though we were Seniors, this was still our favorite game. By far the only pencil and paper game we really played.

Coiny was my best friend..he has been my best friend actually since diapers. His mom and my mom were amazing friends since high school. I was older by Coiny by a couple months.

We spent a lot of time at the arcade, playing every game they have there. Since childhood, that's all we've ever done together, well, besides tic tac toe of course. Our favorite game..was the jump rope game. It was the only one him and I were really competitive in. They had 2 of them next to one another, and we just..spend hours on that thing, battling the other for the higher score.

Anyways, him and I, we were close. Closer then..anything honestly. We told each other absolutely everything, from our deepest secrets, to our crushes. I've had my fair share of crushes...but I've never dated anybody. Coiny on the other hand..well let's just say I've had to help him in a lot of breakups. I loved Coiny, platonically of course. He was such an amazing guy, great personality. (No this is not a Coinleaf fic)

Coiny groaned, and threw himself back. "Ughhhhh how are you so good at this? Come on, one more game!"  Coiny flipped to the next page in his notebook, and got the game started. "I'll be X this time, you be O Leafy." He drew the X, and just as I was gonna draw an O, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey beautiful~ How are you doing today?" He said, smirking. I tilted my head back, and groaned. There he was, standing in a pool of his own ego. Firey. Literally the hottest guy you could ever wish to be with. Everyone wanted to date him, or be in his friend group. Well..everyone except Coiny and I at least.

Firey was always flirty with not just me, but with everyone. He had an outstanding rep, but when it came to love, everyone knew of him as do I put this..a fuckboy, player, that sort of thing. He sat down next to me, and smirked at me.

I gave a loud sarcastic sigh, and looked back at Firey, while also continuing the game. "Hey Firey. Why are you here? What happened to your girlfriend?" Coiny looked at me, and whispered "your turn". Firey scratched his head, and chuckled. "My girlfriend? Don't you mean you my dear?"

Coiny groaned, and rolled his eyes. "She's not into you Firey. How many times do I gotta say that?" Coiny and Firey were also pretty good friends, but Firey and I were forbidden from dating. Which, in all honesty, didn't bother me one bit. Coiny just wants the best for me, and Firey..well he's the opposite of "best" in my opinion.

Firey scoffed, and stood up. "Whatever you say Coiny. But I can assure you, she feels the same. Don't you sugar?" I drew another O on the paper as I looked up at him. "Yea. Mhm. Sure I do. Don't you have to get to practice? Your precious Track Team needs you, even though you're the slowest runner they've got." Firey gasped, and put his hand on his mouth.

"Oh noooo" he started, sarcastically of course. "What ever will they do without me? They'll need a replacement. Whatever. I'll see you guys later." He tried to pull me in for a kiss, but I pushed him away. "No kisses for your boyfriend? Rude." Coiny glared at Firey, and just as it looked like he was gonna tackle him to the ground, I intervened.

"I'm not your girlfriend Firey. And you're not my boyfriend. Now hurry along. Don't wanna be late." Firey snickered, and walked away from the table. Coiny slapped his pencil down. And cheered. I looked over at him, and seen he won the game. How the fuck...

"Thanks a lot Firey! You made me lose!" I shouted. Firey turned back around, and threw some finger guns at me. "Anytime love bug!" He responded back.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not in love with the guy, but how the hell was he so charming? N-now I don't mean that how he goes along with all this, he's probably just leading me on. The school bell rang, and it was time for our club meeting.

Coiny and I were in the Activities club, which..made up ideas for activities we could do. The club was fairly small, since it was new, it consisted of me, Coiny, Pin, who had the biggest crush on Coiny, but he was so oblivious to it. The club also consisted of Gelatin and Loser...and Teardrop.

Teardrop was the club leader, and decided what we'd do and what we wouldn't do. She was the one who decided what ideas would get passed on to the other group of students, who' I forgot. But they would make all that stuff happen if they liked it.

Teardrop sat down in their seat, and signed to us to announce our ideas. Coiny stood up first, and began speaking. "Well, I was thinking-" Teardrop immediately cut him off, and signed to him. "Come on! You reject my idea every time!"

"Well..maybe If you made up any new ideas, you'd be able to share them." Loser said, standing up as Coiny sat down, pissed off. "Now, I think we should hold a mini party for all students with a high gpa!" All of us sighed, and Pin stood up.

"Loser we want an activity for everyone to participate in. Not just high gpa students. Now for my idea! I think we should hold a 2 day long Field day! We'll have jumpers, and all that fancy stuff!" Gelatins eyes lit up, and he stood, sharing his idea.

"Wait! I love that!" He began. "I think as an addition, we should add a couple gaming trucks! People still love those, right?" Everyone looked over at me, and I stood, grabbing my paper from my bag.

"I love that idea Pin and Gelatin, but I think instead of that, we should hold a small fair! It would help us raise money too for the fundraisers! What do you think teardrop?" They thought for a moment, before giving a thumbs up, and writing it down on a piece of paper. "What? What's wrong with our ideas?" Gelatin said, turning his attention to teardrop. She signed to him, explaining I was the only one who kept that fundraiser in mind. "Ah..that makes sense I guess.."

"Well then! I guess we're going to be holding a fair!" Teardrop Signed to us, smiling big. "I want some ideas for stands to raise money, next meeting is on Friday, I need those ideas in by then! Till then, this meeting is finished!" We all cheered to one another, we finally have an idea for an activity to raise money for once.

As I got home, I opened up my new diary, and unwrapped my new fluffy pen, and began writing. I smiled, this was the very first entry of my final year in high school.

"Dear Diary...

It's been an..interesting day for the most part. First day of school, last year to go before I move off to college. Coiny still won't get the hints Pin keeps throwing at him, and just thinks she's doing it to be friendly.
I keep telling her to just tell him, but of course, she's nervous. And it's like, why? He obviously likes you back, he just doesn't think you like him back.
Firey once again is trying to get me to be his little girlfriend, psh. Like that's gonna happen. I don't even like the guy, I keep turning him down, but he just won't stop trying! Who knows what his next move is. Anyways, that's enough writing for tonight..
- Leafy

Woop Woop new Fireafy book go brrrr

I have an amazing storyline for this aha

If you recognize this from somewhere no you don't

1459 Words

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