Chapter 8: Abducted

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They're here. They can't be here. But, they're here, and they're taking me with them. Darkness. I saw darkness, I couldn't see the light anymore. Where was Hotaru, where was he. Of all times, but why now, why don't you appear and save me now. Hotaru, is gone.

Awake, with sweat drops on my forehead I sat up.

"Hotaru...Hotaru! Where are you?!" I shouted out, afraid that my nightmare, or vision had come true. With no reply, my eyes widened and knew that my vision HAD come true.

I quickly on some random clothes and ran out to the living room, looking around for Hotaru.

"Hotaru! Hotaru!" I cried out, tears swelling up in my eyes. As I panicked remembering all the horrible scenes my my nightmare. I opened the door and looked around seeing no sign of Hotaru. Maybe he's abandoned me for someone else. Maybe I'm not good enough for him. As these thoughts ran though my head, I felt the room becoming cold.

"Why is it so cold.. *shivers* I don't remember turning the AC on..." And when I stood up and turned around. Something dark was staring right at me. Cold blue eyes, and a black body like a shadow. I froze standing there. As my heart pounded like a quick pace drum beat. The ghastly thing moved forward towards me. I closed my eyes, hoping that it won't do anything to me. And I was right. I froze there, closing my eyes. It felt like a minute already and nothing was happening. Maybe it's gone I thought opening my eyes, and closed it again realizing it was still there in front of me.

"Raorrrrrrr~." The thing said deeply, as its voice came out surprisingly soft and melodically( it's voice has a nice ring to it). Hearing it's harmless voice, I slowly opened my eyes and that was a big mistake that I had made. Because the moment I opened my eyes. The creature carried me up, and disappeared, with me along.


"....." I opened my eyes. And realized that I am surrounded by those ghastly creatures with a melodic voice. I realized I was tied to a big wooden pole. And tried to free myself by shaking crazily. Lol

"Raorrr~.... Harrrrrooo~....Scoarrrrrlleeeeett~..." The creatures all sang together. Wait, it said something. It said a word?

"Scooaaarrlettt~ Scarrrlleettt..~" They said Scarlett! My name.. But, why would they say my name. And at that moment, they all jumped up and squished me with a hug. What in the world is going on! I thought.

(Lol. I'm sorry this chapter is really short and cheesy! I just wanted Scarlett to have some cute friends, that will help her on the way, and I wanted to update a chapter right away, so u guys could read! Wellllll~ this is it, hope u liked this short and cheesy chapter! Sayonara my little raindrops!)

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