Chapter 3: Our Contract

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  • Dedicated to Nhu Ho(My Cousin)

My thoughts swirled around endlessly, I had no idea what to choose. If I choose yes then I will have no idea what I'll get myself into, but if I choose no, I know what lies in the future for me,but I know it will be a dark future....I don't know what to do....But the demon.....he said he was there for me.... and he knows my name.....I looked up and saw the demon called Hotaru. He was still sparkling and dazzling.. Not in a bright way but dazzling and shining in a dark light..his smile beautiful and fresh as ever. " choose...YES..."
"Very Well Scarlett Arieta." Hotaru the demon said "May I Call Upon Thee, Open The Gate To The Other World And Spare This Girl, This Girl Who Lives And Wanders Lifelessly In This World Of Despair. Open The Gate." said the demon and as Hotaru said this he took his finger and magically drew an alchemy circle on the floor, then he held my hand then pulled a knife out."W-what are you doing?!"
"Don't worry my lady, It will be okay" smiled Hotaru, I then nodded my head slowly. He moved the knife closer to my hand. Hotaru picked up my pinky finger and made a small cut on the side of my finger using the knife. The blood from my finger dripped down onto the circle. The demon did the same to his finger, he took his pinky finger and made a small cut, blood then dripped down onto the circle, blood..not fresh red blood but, blue...the demon's blood was blue, blue, the same color as his eyes....but I guessed this wasn't so new since he was a demon. I didn't expect every part of him to have the same features like a human's. The alchemy circle that the demon drew glowed brightly then it covered everything. I couldn't see a anything. Everything was so bright. Then I heard a noise.. It sounded like a little girl screaming in happy voice. Then in front of me all of a sudden I saw me,myself, when I was little, my scarlett silky short hair in two tiny pigtails flowing behind me while I ran. I was wearing a short pink dress and behind me was a man....a man, which was my dad. He had a smile on his face and was calling something out to the little me. But I didn't hear what he said because I was busy crying. Crying so hard my eyes got all red and puffy... Make it g-go away I said in a trembly voice. Then all of a sudden everything disappeared.The white light turned black and I saw my dad holding a knife in his hands all bloody and on the ground was a woman....It took me a while to tell who it was and when I did... I was horrified.....The woman was my mom..... I froze unaware of what just happened."M-mom?!!" I yelled out. What happened to her. My mom. She was on the ground. Then just at that moment....I realized my mom was dead and the cause of that was my DAD. I-I never wanted this! I yelled out. My mom who was the only person in my life who loved me. And to find out that she had just been murdered. Murdered by my father... All of this is just a dream! I yelled out in my mind. The world disappeared everything disappeared.... and then I realized it was a dream, but a real one. As I opened my eyes I found myself lying on my couch, and something made me jump like crazy.
Next to me was.... the demon in my "dream"
"Ahhhhh!!!" I screamed loudly. "Hello Scarelett." said the demon. "Starting today, in this year, in this week, on this day, in this hour, in this minute, and in this SECOND, starts our contract."
"C-contract?! What contract?.." I asked but then silently quieted down because I remembered in my dream what had just happened. Then I remembered my mother. "I-is it true that my f-fath....that man killed my mother?" I asked, not wanting to use the word father anymore because I don't think a man who killed my mother should be called a father. "Scarlett, I did not see what you saw, but I know that in your heart you should know weather to trust an image like that or weather not to trust it." the demon said then looked up "World is full of disappointments and tricks, but if you believe in yourself and choose the truth, you'll realize and find something precious."
"Are you really......a demon?" I asked....the demon looked at me for a while and sadly said," Yes...I am. But I am a demon that only exists for you, my beautiful Scarlett Arieta.And for that reason I am happy to be called a demon." the demon took his hand out and held it out to me, he then kneeled down and said,"From now on, you can call me Hotaru. I Am At Your Service. I Only Exist For You, And No One Else. Scarlett Arieta, You are My Light. The Light That Vanishes All Dark Beings."
I was amazed at how the demon was glowing. Hotaru looked up at me. I stumbly said, "It's My Pleasure, Hotaru" and those 4 words started my new life. My new life with the demon, Hotaru.

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