Chapter 6: Back To School

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Two more days from the day when Hotaru told his story (Monday):

Beep Beep Beep rang my alarm clock. I slowly opened my eyes sleepily as I heard the alarm clock ring. "Ughhh... It's 6:30" Still, even though I was tired and didn't want to go to school I had to because I wanted to make my mother proud... "Mom's 10th year anniversary is coming up.." I whispered to myself quietly as I walked to the restroom to get dressed. When I was done getting dressed I walked into the kitchen and saw Hotaru making, pancakes. "Good Morning, Scarlett!" Hotaru said happily as he made breakfast. "Mornin' Hotaru..." I said wearily. "Here's your breakfast~..PANCAKES!" Hotaru said as he hopped to the table I was sitting at. "Yay...pancakes..." I said sarcastically.. Quickly right at the moment I said that Hotaru made an expression I had never seen before. Not a happy or normal expression, but an expression that made me shiver.. "What's wrong, SCARLETT?......" Hotaru asked suspiciously...Even though Hotaru asked me what was wrong it seemed like he already knew the answer.. "Uh!! Nothing's wrong! Ooh! Pancakes! My favorite! Thanks for the pancakes Hotaru!" I said nervously trying to change th subject and trying to make Hotaru suspect that nothing was wrong, buuut too bad it didn't work because Hotaru leaned closer to my face and said,"You can't hide it from me, Scarlett. I.Know.Everything......" I was scared at how Hotaru said wasn't like him...I was just about to tell Hotaru wht was actually wrong,when he leaned even closer to my face and looked into my eyes, like he was reading my mind. "Uh,um..." I said nervously. I thought he was gonna say something else that made my skin prickle,but to my surprise Hotaru gently kissed my sweaty forehead and said in a quiet whisper, "It will be okay, Scarlett...I'm here for you...."

When he said that Hotaru walked away to the door,turned around, smiled at me, and said,"See you at school" I ran to see if he was still there, but I didn't see him anywhere, I only saw a trace of little blue specks of light glowing and floating beautifully and then vanished.

15 minutes later.....

As I walked to my locker to get my things... I had bad luck. The boys in the Sabertooth gang walked up to me. One of the boys pulled my shirt and said,"We had some fun last time huh?? Let's have some fun today!" Just as he was about to, I don't know, do something to me... A hand stopped the guy grabbing onto my shirt. When I turned around I saw that it was HOTARU. "Hotaru?" I whispered quietly. Hotaru winked at me and whispered back,"I told you I was here for you, didn't I" On the outside I was all like Hotaru? But on the inside I was all like HOTARU!!!! And jumping like crazy inside. I smiled back at him. Hotaru smiled back then started staring at the guy holding onto my shirt. Everyone in school froze, and I literally mean froze. They were just standing there. Like a bunch of paralyzed animals. Some of the girls were chatting with their friend about a hot guy in front of them, annnd I'm guessing they're talking about Hotaru. "You" Hotaru said sternly and seriously with a fire of hatred in his eyes. "Why, are you doing this to Scarlett?"

The guy grabbing onto my shirt looked confused. "What do you mean? You mean you don't know that this girl's dad is a murderer?Huh? Well?" the guy holding onto my shirt said with an annoying attitude.

"I know, very well. Why. Why would you do this though. Why would you bully her, just because her dad is a murderer? Scarlett, does not mess with your life, so you shouldn't be needing to MESS with her life!" Hotaru said loudly almost yelling. I was amazed at how Hotaru was protecting me.... It seemed like he could kill anyone easily if he wanted to..The guy that was about to hit me staggered back, stared at Hotaru for a long moment, then stared at me. He then ran away with the rest of his gang.The whole school was still frozen until Hotaru turned to me,"Scarlett, which class do you take first?" Hotaru asked casually like nothing had happened. "Oh, I take math class first.." Hotaru then walked me to my class. I entered first. The moment I stepped in the classroom,the kids in my class booed made weird and annoyed faces, and some even threw papers and garbage at me. They stopped and froze when Hotaru walked in. All the guys looked frightened, all exept the girls. They were rushing and running to Hotaru asking questions, giving him kissy and love looks, some girls were even hanging on to him and grabbing his arm and shirt. Hotaru didn't look even a bit interested at the girls that were falling head over heels for him. Even the prettiest girls, all he would do was just put on an annoyed face and look away. That made me giggle at bit. But I stopped as soon as those she-devils stared at me with an evil eye, which was twitching.I went to sit down at my desk when the teacher walked inside the classroom. He stared at the whole class, not saying a word. But he stared at me the most. I bet he was thinking, why isn't that girl(Scarlett) being bullied. I could tell right away what he was thinking and I was right. He didn't care one bit because he just looked away and told the class to sit down and shut up. He didn't even notice that Hotaru was there. Good thing he didn't because whenever someone would try to throw stuff or bully me, Hotaru was always there to stop them.

After school:

As I walked home with Hotaru I felt so peaceful and happy. It was just a happy feeling. I didn't get hurt, didn't get cursed, and didn't get...well almost killed. Everything was just peaceful...and that was because of Hotaru.. It was always so beautiful in the town of Utsukushi Yuyake(means: Beautiful Sunset), I just..hadn't ever noticed. But now...I see the beauty...It was so beautiful especially when it is sunset. "Hotaru, over here!" I yelled out happily to Hotaru as I held his hand and ran to the edge of the ocean. I took my shoes off and ran to the sand. "Come on Hotaru! Take your shoes of too!" As I said that Hotaru immediately took off his shoes and went to where I was standing. It felt so good to be standing on the sand as the waves gently flowed over your toes, and the cool breeze flowed by. The sunset was amazing. As I looked up to the sky the color was very unusual, but in a good way. The sky was pink-green-purple, mixed with a little red and orange. The clouds slowly moved as they disappeared..It was so beautiful, beautiful. "Hotaru, I've never..seen anything this beautiful before.." I said. All Hotaru did was just nod his head slowly as he looked up to the sky. I can tell that Hotaru was enjoying this moment so I just shut my big mouth up and went back to looking at the sunset........

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