Chapter 1

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7 Days Before It Happened

"Y/N, I am telling you!" Hanji explains loudly on the other end of the phone, "I might be onto something here, something big!"

You can't help but smile at her reaction, even without fully understanding what she is talking about you still make a point to listen to her rambles about aliens or new chemical elements she has yet to discover.

"You know I believe in you! But I need to go, I need to start studying for my exams." You say, dangling the books in your hands while holding the phone with your shoulder.

"I can teach you!" She says, a whiny tone hidden in her voice.

"Hanji." Your voice is firm yet loving.

"I promise it won't be like last time. I won't get distracted while talking about my own subjects!" She tries to assure you but that is a promise you've heard one too many times.

"Bye, baby." You hang up the phone before she has any more time to complain. Shaking your head, you make your way towards the old building and you're welcomed by the cold air coming from the AC.

Looking around for a few minutes, you try to find a quiet spot away from the large group of young adults who crowd the library. Your eyes then lay on a table by the window, a small yet perfect patch of sun illuminating the surface.

You place your laptop and notebook on the table, your back facing the exit so you can make sure no one will try and talk to you, but that is not what distracts you from your goal.

The sound of Hanji's laughter echoes in your brain and your cheeks blush. You think about all the times she's waited hours after her classes were done so she could walk home with you or when she brings you food after a long practice.

No matter the situation, she's always doing her best to take care of you.

You break out of your trance, forcing yourself to focus on the pages on the laptop but Chemistry is the least of your concerns. Instead, you decide to switch the subject and focus on your notes from Criminal Justice class.

Reaching inside the backpack, you pull out headphones and plug them in your phone. Quietly, you hit play on an asmr playlist, relaxing your brain and mentally preparing yourself for the next few hours.

Time goes by quickly and you only realize how long you've been studying for when the sun is no longer hitting the back of the computer.

Placing both hands on the back of your neck, you move your head back and forward, from one side to the other, desperately hoping to get a few cracks out and getting the pain to disappear. After, you reach your arms up, stretching your body and biting your lower lip in an attempt to keep yourself from making any noise.

Before you bring your limbs down, a pair of hands wraps around your collarbones and you whoop in surprise. Hanji giggles in response as she rests her chin on your head.

"You ignored me for this?" She asks. Her voice is quiet and soft and it awakens the many butterflies that once lay dormant in your stomach. You can't help but smile.

"Some of us, mere mortals need to study." You say and she snorts against your hair, "I need to keep my grades up."

From behind her, a figure wearing a dark colored outfit shushes the two of you before Hanji has any time to make some unfunny joke about being a genius. You mouth the words "I'm sorry" at the figure and it walks away with a pout on its face.

Quickly, you shove all of your materials back in your bag and Hanji laces her fingers in yours, pulling you towards the exit.

As you step outside, you realize it isn't as warm as it was earlier in the day. The branches on the naked trees resemble lightning forks while the piles of reddish leaves cover the floor.

The Infected - Hanji ZoeWhere stories live. Discover now