Chapter 19

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3rd person POV

"....Let's see.....Norman...And....Cindy!" Mrs. Rossman called out

Norman gulped loudly and looked at Cindy

Cindy was smirking at Norman and waving at him

"Oh God...." Ray said facepalming

"No, dont worry. I'll be fine! I wont let her do anything inappropriate to me!" Norman says trying to hold his worry

"Yeess!! My dream actually came true! This is the final moment I'll get to have some alone time with Norman! This project is going to be great and exciting!

Norman is going to get so used to me he might want to become friends with me.....Or even....What if he kisses me?! OMG!! I cant wait!" Cindy said in her head squealing

"Alright class! It's time to switch your seats and find your partner!" Mrs. Rossman said clapping her hands and going to her desk

Norman took his book bag and all of his stuff with him to Cindy's area.

Ray's partner was Cody. He was very chill and funny. But that won't let him stop eyeing at Cindy.

"Heyyy Norman~! I didn't even think we were going to be partners! But we are! This is going to be fun!" Cindy said smiling big

"Haha yeah." Norman said laughing sarcastically

"So! What Do you want to do?" Cindy asks

"Well, you should go first. Since ladies first"

"I'm not really that good at thinking of things...."

"Hm..Okay. I think we should do....Which is better? Showers or baths?" Norman says writing down

"Mmhm! Yeah! We should do that!" Cindy says pulling out her very tacky pencil pouch full of colorful rhinestones

"Mmhm! Yeah! We should do that!" Cindy says pulling out her very tacky pencil pouch full of colorful rhinestones

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The moment Norman looked at her pouch he squinted his eyes. Since the light from the classroom reflected the bag

"....Umm...Cindy, that's a really nice bag but...Its kind of getting in my eyes"

"Hmm? Oh ! I'm so sorry..! Let me just get a few things from there and I'll put it back!" Cindy said rummaging through her bag

It took her about 12 minutes to just find a her pen.

It seemed that it was very pink and had a fur ball on the top

It seemed that it was very pink and had a fur ball on the top

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When Norman saw the pen, he made an unamused face.

"This long just to find a pen like this? A pen isn't even that great to use to take notes. But, whatever " He said in his head and sighed

"Huh? What's wrong Norman?" Cindy said looking worried and putting her hand on his shoulder

"Hm, oh nothing. Let's just get to the notes."

"Mmm hm!" Cindy said smiling big, grabbing her pink notepad and writing down.

Ray's POV

"Ray? You okay?" Cody asks

"Hm? Oh yeah. I'm fine." I say writing down

"Get your grubby ass hands off my man's shoulder you bitch!" I say in my head with anger

"I think we should do Which is better? Water or soda?" Cody suggests

"Yeah, we should do that" I say making a chart

"What do you think is better? Soda or water?" Cody asks smiling at me

"Mmm...I kinda like soda...But water more healthier so, water is better"

"Me too! Water is healthier!" Cody says writing down. "So, it seems we have to have about 5 reasons why water is better and 5 reasons why soda isnt really that good"

"Okay, let me right down the reason why water is healthier " I say flipping to a new page

"Let me search up online on my phone" Cody says digging in his book bag

"Yeah!" I say smiling a little

"Oh yes! I forgot to say...! I'll need everyone's phones because you'll have to think of the reasons in your head!" Mrs. Rossman said smiling and pulling out a box from her desk.

"Dammit!" I say angrily

Cody sighs and takes his phone "Its okay, we can just think and let our brains work"

I deeply sigh and roll my eyes

When Cody got back, I had a little of some ideas "Hmm...I think one of the reasons why water is healthier because....It doesn't really contain that much sugar "

"Mmhm!" Cody says writing down. "Another reason is that...Water doesn't really make you that thirsty as much as soda"

"Yeah! And also...Water does resolve constipation" I say continuing to write.

So far, our information was getting to a good start!

So far, our information was getting to a good start!

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Norman's POV

"Okay, so I think showers are better, because....-"

"Norman, can you please hold that thought? I have to go to the bathroom right now...!" Cindy said squirming in her seat

"But...Cindy everyone is beginning to write their topic. We haven't even started yet..!"

"I know I know. But I really have to go! My bladder isn't that strong!" Cindy says whining

I look up at the clock. It says "12:28" and we have lunch at "12:30". I sigh and just let her go.

If she keeps up with this, we'll never finish this project in time!

To be continued

(Chapter 20 will be updated soon! So keep on the look out! 🥰)

The Promised Neverland (NoRay) The so called Emo & The So Called Old Man Where stories live. Discover now