Paths ღ |☁️/✨ (ish)

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May 7th, 2019

Jason x reader as a comeback! Because this boy needs love, and I need to start writing again.

Uh. be warned? angst. Also, burning maze spoiler if anyone cares

Feedback is appreciated!! Thanks!!

Words: 1773

- Asja

Everyone's life is a quest for something. Some search for love, some search for answers, and others seek to find their own path.
Everyone's life is a pathway. From point A to point B, following their own road. One might not figure out exactly where they are going, one might not know how to follow their path.
Everyone's paths cross different paths. You may want to walk together or run away from each other. You may follow their path instead of your own, or they may help you follow your route.

Everyone's life is a quest for something, and your quest was finding where you belonged. Life is hard for a demigod, especially when you do not know what a demigod is. Because, everything seems normal, until it suddenly isn't anymore. You were sent off by your parent in a hurry when suddenly a one-eyed giant attacked you. You and your parent made it out alive, but then they told you that you need to follow your own path from now on. Your parent confessed that you were not fully human and told to find some sort of wolf?

Eventually you found Lupa, and she trained you. Lupa explained what it meant to be a demigod, and how to fight for yourself. She trained you to be strong and attentive. But with that Lupa also taught you that life does not always go right, and that you will be alone someday. You needed to be prepared to follow your own path even if that meant walking alone.

And walk alone is what you did, towards your new destination. Camp Jupiter, home to demigods and very soon a home to you, hopefully. Arriving there you went through a confusing progress, which ended up with a legion standing in for you. That was the first time you ever saw his face, with determination in his eyes as he declared: 'I will stand in for them!'

With that one sentence your quest for a home had ended. You were welcomed, even though it was not a very friendly welcome. However, after being gone from any kind of house and family for so long, camp Jupiter felt surreal. This all was just so surreal.

Everyone's life is a pathway, your path lead to Camp Jupiter, however you were lost, you needed guidance. That was the moment when you crossed paths with Jason. He stood in for you, which meant he was responsible for you. He had to learn you how to stay on your path and create a way for you in Camp Jupiter.

'So, Jason, right?' you asked, and shot him a sideway glance. He met your gaze and nodded slowly 'What does it exactly mean that you stand in for me?' A thoughtful looked crossed the face of the blonde, but he seemed to decide fast on what to say.
'It means you are my responsibility. Whatever you need to know, you can ask me, but I'll try to show you how things work here.' You nodded slowly, your gaze fixating on the path before you. 'Whatever I need, huh?'

At Camp Jupiter the path you had to follow was clear. And thankfully, Jason was with you to guide you. He helped you get accustomed to the ways of the Romans, he trained you and he made sure you were well. Together with his killer looks (come on, who doesn't love themselves a muscular, blonde superman?) all you could do was slowly form a crush on the guy.

The longer you were at Camp Jupiter, the closer Jason and you got. Both mentally and physically. 'Hey, (Y/n), what are you doing here?' Jason asked you as he sat down beside you. Shoulders touching, you could feel the warmth radiate from him. A small smile made it onto your face. 'Just sitting, watching the sunset, avoiding physical activities.' You told him, and you looked to your side. 'Are you now? You know that you need the training to survive right?' You let out a laugh, shaking your head lightly. 'Why would I need to train to survive, when you could just protect me? Be my personal bodyguard?' Jason looked forward and seemed to consider your offer. 'How much does it pay me?' He looked back at you, which gave you the perfect opportunity to look him in his eyes. 'Uhm, I don't know, eh, what about you get free protection from me?' Laughter left Jason mouth as his head moved back a bit. The sound made your heart flutter. 'A bodyguard for a bodyguard. Seems fair.' He shook his head 'So, we're just going to protect each other then?' the question left his mouth as he looked back at you. 'Yup, bodyguards for life.'

Coi's Jason ficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora