un-thinkable (sweet dreams) ღ / ✨/ ☁️

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16th of may, 2022

→ synopsis ; you couldn't have slipped from his grasp that easily, could you ? surely it was a nightmare, something so horrid could never happen in real life, right ? jason thinks so. so, where were you ?

→ request ; jason grace x reader angst-to-fluff scenario/one shot where he wakes up from a nightmare before reaching over to his s/o for comfort only to find that they're not there and thinks maybe the reader left him or something happened but they were just in the kitchen getting some water? thanks!

→ word count ; 1789

→ pairings ; jason grace x reader

→ genre ; slice of life | angst | fluff

→ warnings ; depictions of death, depictions of bodily harm (strangling & broken spine)

You weren't supposed to be there

It was too high, too unsafe, and all he could think was that you weren't supposed to be there. Where did you come from, actually? Last thing Jason remembered was being at the top of the Empire State Building, being threatened by his step mother over something trivial.

It was loud and he couldn't focus and all he could think about was that you weren't supposed to be there.

The wind rushed in his ears. Juno was furious, overbearing; lightning cracked between his fingertips and Jason kept an eye on you. What were you doing there? With his brain clouded, he set his eyes on his step mother once more, letting the words coming from her mouth corner him like a predator to its prey.

"It's better for them to die now, lest you take after your father." Juno spoke sadly, turning towards you. "My dear, it's better to die of anything than to live with a broken heart." Jason blinked, fingers twitching. So you were there, but how did you get there?

"Wait- Wait a second. Die? I have to die so Jace doesn't cheat on me?" You asked, laughing nervously. The wind whipped through your hair, nearly blinding you as your eyes became watery, and you stumbled. "I don't think he's gonna cheat on me. Maybe you're-"

"He's the son of Jupiter, you insolent half-breed. Sooner or later you'll be on your knees begging Venus to fix what went awry in your relationship, and she won't be able to help you." Juno spat, approaching you quickly. You backed up as far as you could, nearly slipping as the heels of your shoes hit the edge of the roof.

"Hey- Get away from them-" Jason finally speaks up, but his voice sounds foggy, too far, even to himself. He rushed towards the both of you, and his blue eyes met your own as Juno's hand wrapped around your throat with the utmost of grace. Your eyes went wide.

"Jason- Jace-" You started, struggling in the goddess' hold.

"How pathetic. Calling for a man who doesn't love you?" Juno hummed, lifting you off of your feet. You struggled violently, looking at your boyfriend helplessly.

Jason managed to grip Juno's arm, hand like a vice as electricity pumped through his fingertips. "Let them go. What my father has done to you has nothing to do with me, or them. Don't make me hurt you." He spoke lowly, and Juno stared down at him, annoyance written all over her face.

"Do you really think you'd be able to harm me, Jason Grace? Your father was never able to get me to cower in fear. Neither will you." She spat, and her movements were quick as you were flung backwards, and over the edge of the roof.

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