Good Day - (Jason Grace xSibling!Reader)ღ | ✨

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Jul. 2nd, 2021

Anonymous asked:

How about a sibling imagine with Jason and Reader where its halloween and they're talking about like life while eating candy and watching stupid movies

I was in a weird mood so I needed some comfort with our fave blondie also TØP continues to be high quality also HBD Jason!! -DannyGood Day - (Jason Grace xSibling!Reader)Warnings: Angst with a sappy ending. This is obviously not proofread bc why would it be?Listen to:

You didn't want to see anyone today. Which is a shame, with Halloween so near most of the campers revolve around each other to ask about the costumes and the parties and the movie marathons after curfew.

You don't know why it happens, but sometimes you're just tired of socializing with the same people over and over every day. Sometimes you wish you could stop existing for one day, to sit and relax and not having anyone approach you or texting you about school or whatever the heck it is that they want.

Low-key, I'm all rightWould you say you depend on the weather?My sunshineIs a buzz and a light, I'll be singing outI know it's hard to believe meIt's a good day

It makes you feel guilty. Like you're some kind of awful human being that's incapable of forming any good and stable friendships. That's a lie of course, you have plenty of good long-term friendships, but you simply can't tell why they tire you out like this. Your friends aren't mean to you, they aren't annoying on purpose either... then why are you so grumpy?

The answer hits you like a ton of bricks. You arrive at your cabin and you freeze at the sight: Your brother's visiting.

He's unpacking, his back is turned to you so he doesn't see you when you enter, he's got earphones on so he can't hear you either. He's humming under his breath, and you stand there watching him put his shirts carefully one on top of another.

You turn around to close the door quickly and move over to where your brother is, he feels the movement and stops, looking over at you and smiling when he sees you.

"Hi, Y/N!" His eyes are bright and happy to see you for the first time in at least two months. "Everything okay?"

He asks this not because he can tell you're upset, it's the usual way you guys greet each other, and for some reason, even though you're sick of the routine, the familiarity in which he talks to you makes you lose it.

You can't even reply at his question, you're in tears and you can't stop yourself from looking like a crazy person. Jason is both, surprised and frightened at your sudden burst, but he's quick to put an arm around your shoulders and guide you to your bunkbed.

"What's going on, Y/N?"

How can you tell him that you're crying because you've missed him? Having him back is a harsh slap on the face, you've been surrounded by people every day since he left, but you're still lonely. You need your brother, a family. Everyone here has lots of siblings and you just have two, and both of them are always far from camp. You need them, and it's frustrating to think that they don't need you at all.

Once you've calmed yourself down and try to explain to him what's going on —although not even you can tell exactly what's happening, so you try your best—he's so understanding it almost brings you back to tears.

"I could always come back for Christmas?"

"You had plans already," You shake your head. "I don't want you to pity me, Jason. I don't want you to hang out with me as an obligation."

"Well, I'm your brother, there will always be some level of obligation between us," He jokes.

"Not helping!" You pout, once again hiding behind your hands.

"Alright, listen!" Jason pulls down your hands so you can look at him. "I came here to see you, because I was missing you too, see? You're not the only one who's missing a sibling. I had this huge empty space in my schedule because one of my teachers got sick and so I decided to visit you and have fun. What were you planning to do today?"

You shrug, you've been sulking for so many days your routine has fallen apart completely. Your schedule is empty for the rest of the weekend and you tell him exactly that. His eyes light up with the news.

"That's great! We can spend some quality time together, we can catch up, maybe by the time I have to leave you'll be ready to go back and train with your friends..."

Today's a good dayNever know, never knowWhen the next one will show, it'll showSo I'ma sing my soul, I'ma sing my soul

The thought of having to say goodbye so soon after his arrival makes you frown, but then again, three whole days of nothing but quality time with your brother await, and you'd hate wasting them in a tantrum.

"Where should we start?"

Time slips easier than sand through your fingers; Jason doesn't treat you any differently after your little crisis, he jokes with you, annoys you like the brother he's always been, and makes you laugh so hard you even choke on your drink at least twice each night.

Your shoulders feel lighter, but you still think you should do something about those intrusive thoughts when you're left alone, you know Nico used to struggle with his solitude until he started to talk to Mr D in a therapy of sorts, but you're too shy to approach the God, so you decide on baby steps.

The first thing you do when you wake up on the last day of Jason's stay, is to go out and train with your friends, colors are a little brighter today and your friends welcome you back with open arms, they understand how it is when you're a Big-Three kid, but they love you just the same, they love you as much as your own family, which is something that you still can't quite comprehend, but it makes you giddy inside.

There will be days in which you won't feel lively at all, but the key is to push through it, find ways in which you can make those times bearable, at least until you gather enough courage to ask Mr. D or Chiron for real help. You're pretty sure that by now they know you're not fully alright, but they can wait until you're ready, I mean, being immortal gives makes you truly patient.

It's time to say goodbye to your brother again, but this time you decide against it. When he hugs you, you look at him with a genuine smile and ask him:

"Is it alright if I'm the one visiting you on Christmas? Your friends won't mind it, right?"

Jason looks at you proudly, he knows that this is your way of showing that you care, that you're trying to get better. He does his best to follow the conversation like it's not a big deal, but you know he's happy for you, and that makes you even eager to improve.

"Nah, it's fine," He admits. "They'll love you. If anything I should be the one worrying, what if they decide they like you better than me?"

"I think it's a fact they'll love me more than they love you, I mean, I'm the cutest sibling," Your smile falters when you add, "don't tell Thalia I said that."

The boy laughs, he pulls you close roughly and hugs you so tight you complain about a broken rib. You elbow him playfully and you know you'll miss this once he's away, but that's part of the charm of having siblings, you live with them for a long time until they have to go away, and then you realize how much you love having them around, even if they annoy the shit out of you. The last thing you realize, is that it doesn't matter how many times he has to leave, he'll always come back, and he's always going to be your brother.

I'm all rightI'm all rightI think that I'm all rightIt's a good day

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