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"You two!" Goku shouted at Jeice and Burter. "I'm warning you! Leave this planet now and don't ever come back! I don't want to fight you, but I will if I have to! And if it comes to that, I promise you that you'll both be joining your friend here on the ground! Understand me?!"

Jeice and Burter exchange a few words together before leaping into the air. "Now, say hello to the Ginyu Force!" Jeice screams as he and Burter land on opposite sides of Goku. And proceed to do their freakish dances.

"You wanna dance? Or fight?" Goku asked.

"Do it, Kakarot..." Vegeta growled.

Jeice and Burter leapt up again, and landed besides one another. "Ready!" Jeice shrieked.

"Set!" Burter added.

"GO!" Jeice shouted. The two blasted off, demonstrating their speed, but Goku didn't seem bothered in the slightest.

Burter shot an energy blast at Goku, and it just bounced off of him. He evaded Jeice's energy blasts as if it were child's play. Once they landed in front of him again, Jeice tried speaking, only for Goku to quickly slug him in the nose. Jeice began wailing in agony while cupping his face.

I began snorting. "Damn, Goku, that was a cheap shot." I mention impishly. Vegeta clicked his tongue irritably as I began chuckling.

"How-- Dare you!" Jeice yelped, his nose bleeding.

Goku raised his eyebrows in confusion. "How dare I what? Weren't you just trying to attack me?" Goku asked.

"Why, you! I'll-- I'll destroy you!" Jeice shrieked.

Jeice and Burter attempted to attack Goku again. He extended his arms out and a wave of energy shot the two men away from him.

"Gosh," I sigh. "Their power levels are extremely high... But Goku hasn't even tried dodging... And even if he is, I can't keep up with him." I murmur gingerly.

"It's obvious Kakarot is raising his power level so quickly they aren't able to detect it!" Vegeta growls out. "He's not even breaking a sweat! It's unbelievable! How did he become so strong so fast?!"

I hum lightly and cock my head. "That's... a good question..." I pat around my pockets for a moment and pull out a small notepad from my back pocket and flip through it. I tug the small pencil from the spiral tether and start jotting down some notes for my studies on gravity training.

"Those scouters won't help them," Vegeta kept growling. "Even if they knew his power level, they still wouldn't be able to stop him... But where did this power come from?! I must know! If there is a way to become a Super Saiyan, I must find it out!"

"Hey, Jeice!" Burter yells, his face contorted in irritation. "It's time for the Purple Spiral Flash Attack!"

"That's... a mouthful..." I murmur delicately as I glance back up.

"Right, Burter! Let's do it! Now!" Jeice agreed.

The two began powering up again and ramming into one another, creating a large cyclone. It sent out energy blasts to Goku, but he just stood there. When the dust settled, I was astounded at the fact that his clothes were still pristine.

"We didn't even touch him!" Jeice screamed. He shot another energy blast at Goku that he merely batted aside, and it flew straight at Burter. When the dust settled, Goku had reappeared behind the blue man.

It was a quick takedown. Burter lay on the ground, unconscious. "You've been deceiving yourselves! This fight is fruitless!" Goku exclaimed. "Listen! It's not too late for you to leave this planet! Your choice! But if I were you, I'd get out of here!"

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