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slight smut warning

Mars wailed happily as we headed to Roshi's house. He had his toy shaking around in his hand while he gazed out the window. My phone rang loudly, causing Mars to stop screaming and gaze at it curiously. I pressed answer and Mars lets out an excited babble. "Mara, are you there?" Roshi calls out.

"Yeah." I laugh.

"Mara, do you see Krillen anywhere? He should be on his way to meet you!" Roshi explains.

"I haven't seen him."

"He's coming to get the remote because he thinks he can get it here faster than your jet." Roshi states.

I growled. "Why that little-- I only have the best of the best when it comes to my capsules, you know!"

"This is serious! Keep your eyes peeled, Mara! Tien's at the battlefield as we speak! And we're not sure, but we're all fearing the worst about Piccolo!" Roshi exclaimed.

"I understand." I sigh. "I'll speed up, but I make sure to keep any eye out for Krillen." I explain. I end the call and turn back to Mars. "Ready to fire up the turbo jets?" I ask eagerly. Mars throws his arms upwards and bellows happily. "All right, fasten your seat belt, handsome-- Let's, GO!" I cheer. The jet lurched forward.

I almost didn't see Krillen. If it wasn't for Mars chanting, Krill-oo, I would have. I whip the plane around and hover in place before popping open the front hatch.

"Wow, I nearly missed you!" I exclaim with a laugh. Mars is still chanting Krill-oo.

"Hey, Mara!" Krillen breathes out. "Listen, I really need the remote control to stop those androids, okay?"

I grumble irritably and pull it out. "Be careful with it, got it? Bulma and I put a lot of work into this." I explain irritably.

"Wow, so this little thing will stop them, huh?" Krillen questioned.

I nod. "Now, it will only work if you're within ten meters of the androids. Any farther away and it won't work."

"T-Ten meters?!" Krillen exclaimed. He swallowed nervously. "Gee, don't you think that's kinda close?"

I shrug. "Look, the machinery was super high tech. If I had extended the range, it would've short circuited the remote, and then it wouldn't work at all." I explain irritably. "Besides, you're lucky to have that at all."

"Y-Yeah... Of course..." Krillen groans. "I'll try to keep that in mind."

"Oh, and by the way--" I hum as I dig through my bag and produce a small capsule. "I finally managed to get a perfect substitute to the battle suit Vegeta wears." I explain happily. "It can survive three hundred times gravity and then some. I made one for everyone, and this ones yours!" I toss over the capsule with a smile.

"Oh, wow! Thanks, Mara!" Krillen hums appreciatively. "Oh, hey! Goku, Gohan, Mars, and Vegeta are training at Kami's place right now. Could you take their suits to them?"

I nod happily. "Yeah, you got it." I chirp. "Now say bye-bye, Mars~" I coo back to the infant. Mars waves his arms around happily. Krillen and I laugh before we go our separate ways.


Mars had been cooing in amazement once we'd arrived at the lookout. "Hello!" I call out as I pull Mars up and into my arms. "Where is everyone..." I murmur to myself.

"Mara, what are you doing here?" Goku's voice rings out.

Mars cheers happily and reaches for him with an enthusiastic grin. Goku grins and lifts up the infant, bouncing him happily. "I brought some things for you. You might need them." I mention as I continue to smile.

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