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"This wind sure feels nice..." I hum softly.

"Yeah," Goku agreed as he took in a deep breath. "Well, if we leave right now, it'll take us just about five days to get home."

"Yay! I can see my mom again!" Gohan shouted happily. "And I'll see all my friends!"

My mind catches up and I scream shrilly. The others panic and whip their gazes onto me. "WE FORGOT ABOUT BULMA!" I shout. "SHE'S GONNA KILL US!"

"Sheesh," Goku whined. "Don't scare me like that, Mara! For a second, I thought you saw Frieza again!"

"Bulma is worse than Frieza sometimes..." Krillen murmured.

Goku, Piccolo, and Gohan began laughing. "It's-- It's not funny!" I stammer. "She gets irritating when she's upset!" I whine as I start hitting Goku's shoulder again.

"Don't hit me so hard--" Goku complained again.

"Oh please, I'm literally the weakest person on this planet." I mention irritably.

"Well, it looks like we were too late to save the Planet Namek. I just hope Guru and all of his loyal follows who were destroyed can rest in peace." Piccolo hummed.

"Wh-What? How in the world do you know about Guru, Piccolo?" Krillen questioned.

Piccolo doesn't get a chance to answer, because Krillen begins shaking visibly. "What is it, Krillen?" Goku asked.

"He's-- He's-- S-S-Still A-Alive?!" My blood goes cold as I follow Krillen's gaze.

"It's Frieza!" We all bellow.

"Th-That's impossible! You made a direct hit with your Spirit Bomb!" Krillen stammered. "No one could survive that!"

"M-M-Mommy!" Gohan cried out.

"Goku!" Piccolo cried and shoved Goku out the way, and taking an attack head on. It blew a hole straight through his chest.

"Piccolo!" I exclaim. I start crawling towards him, shaking violently. "Piccolo?" I turn my gaze up to Goku, tears burning down my face.

"Gohan, Krillen, Mara-- Listen up!" Goku commands. "The spaceship I used to get to this planet shouldn't be too far from here." Goku explains. "Find Bulma and the ship, and then get as far away from here as you can." We hesitated to move. "Come on! What are you waiting for?!"

Gohan finally snapped to. "I'm not going!" He bellowed. "I'd never let you fight Frieza alone!"

"Listen, Gohan!" Goku snapped. "You have to get out of here, now! You don't have a say in the matter!"

"B-But, Goku--" Krillen stammers as I pull Piccolo's body upwards into my lap.

"We can't leave..." Gohan murmured.

"If you think that your little friends can escape me, you're sadly mistaken." Frieza hummed.

"Krillen!" I shriek as he lifts into the sky immediately.

"This time, you won't come back!" Frieza shouts.

"Krillen, no!" Goku screams.

"Krillen!" Gohan and I scream.

"HELP ME, AHH---" Krillen is cut off by an explosion that destroys his body completely.

I scream out. My stomach is twisting violently, my heart is thundering against my chest. "Krillen! Krillen, no!" I scream.

Goku doesn't speak for a moment, until his power level begins to climb very quickly. "I... I won't let you..." Goku grits out, and it's like he's having a hard time controlling his anger. I'd never seen him like this. "Get away-- with-- this!" He continues to growl, and snarl. I clutch Piccolo desperately as Goku's hair begins flashing from black to gold in rapid succession. Thunder is booming in response to his anger. He finally lets out a powerful shout, and his hair stands upright. His eyes turned bright blue, and his hair is bright gold. He turns his gaze on me, and I have to swallow the drool that had pooled in my mouth. "Mara. Listen very carefully. You must take Gohan and leave this planet, now, and take Piccolo with you. Got it?" He said in a serious tone.

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