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I vaguely wondered how Goku would feel if I stole his wife from him. All she did since arriving was make me delicious food. The kids were singing some cute song Chi-Chi had come up with and I was loving the attention. Or maybe the hormones were making me sappy. Or maybe I was amused I'd learned I could balance a plate of sweets on my belly while I bounce on an exercise ball. "Mommy, Goku, Beerus, and Whis are here!" Eschalot chimed from the door.

Elara hopped off the exercise ball she'd been playing on. "Oh boy! Let's go bother Lord Kitty!" Elara chirped.

"Yeah!" Eschalot cheered.

"They act as if he won't destroy us if we so much as sneeze in his direction," Pilaf sobbed.

"Oh, relax, he's fine with them. I should go say hi." I hum and attempt to stand up. Vegeta presses his hands to my shoulders and forces me to sit.

"Continue your exercises! I don't want you to have any pain this time around!" Vegeta ordered. I grumbled irritably and plucked a piece of dark chocolate from the plate on my belly. "If you want to see them, they'll come to you!" I grimace at his attitude. "I'm going for a walk." Vegeta snapped.

"Aw, come on!" I complain angrily.

Just as he leaves, Chi-Chi comes storming in. "No more exercise! You need to rest!" She shouts and practically carries me to a comfy chair. I complain about it, but she's wagging her finger like I'm a child, so I bite my lip as to not curse at her. "Seriously, you're going to pop if you keep it up." Chi-Chi explains.

"Are you calling me fat?" I ask irritably, rubbing at my belly as if it'll shrink immediately. The door opens and Whis steps in.

"Hello, everyone," Whis chirps.

"Where the hell is Beerus? Is he still being a chicken?" I ask irritably.

"Put a pin in that, Mara, he shouldn't just come barging in like this!" Chi-Chi exclaimed. "Mara is in a very delicate state!" I peer behind him and nearly laugh at the four men peering in nervously.

I heave out a sigh as my belly jolts in discomfort. "Listen, Whis, if you've got some fancy trick to make this baby come out sooner, I'd be so thrilled." I mention irritably. "And y'know, make my body perky again."

"Mara!" Chi-Chi admonished with a flushed face.

"Infact, I do." Whis hummed, holding his staff over my belly. He starts chanting lowly and I feel a strange energy flow through me. A shrill cry echoes through the room and I'm suddenly holding my baby that's swaddled in a soft blanket.

"Holy shit-" I exclaim loudly as I leap onto my feet, off balance for a moment from the weight suddenly gone. "Oh, my gawd-" I squeal. "Look at him! He's adorable!" I chirp as I start bouncing him. The baby stops squalling and tries to stretch out before falling asleep.

"Well, Vegeta, you should be available to compete now, if I'm not mistaken?" Whis comments.

I give a laugh. "Honestly, if you wanted to go before I gave birth Vegeta, I wouldn't have minded. My doctor is always on call." I explain. "But thank you, Whis, and thanks for the slim body back."

Whis giggles behind his hand. "Honestly, did you think I'd leave you with all that baby weight I helped you lose the first time?" Whis hums.

I hear laughter at the door and Vegeta has yet to come in. "Will you come see your son already?" I snap at Vegeta.

"Say goodbye to the loving embraces, Vegeta, now she's in full mother mode again." Chi-Chi hummed.

Goku was already bounding forward, peering down at the infant expectantly. "Hey, look, Vegeta! You finally got your wish!" Goku cheered.

Killer King, Beauty QueenWhere stories live. Discover now