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"Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you for your incredible patience! The sixth and seventh universe's invitational-- the tournament of Destroyers will now begin! So hold onto your hats and get ready for the show! Now, the singing of the joint universal anthem!" The commentator shouted once Champa had rung the gong.

"Universal anthem?" I murmur.

"This should be good." Oolong snorted.

I peered down at the ring. "Oh, it's a little penguin!" I mention happily.

"It's a big universe~ And there's two!" The penguin sings in a monotonous voice.

We wait for the next verse, but nothing happens. "That was beautiful, thank you!" The commentator sniffles. We all groan in annoyance. "And now the first match will begin! Let's see who we've got!" He cheers and gestures wildly to the large screen. "From the sixth universe, Contestant Botamo!"

"He's a big teddy bear!" Elara cooed in delight.

"Mommy, is he squishy?" Eschalot wondered.

I grimaced and palmed at my face. "How would I know? I'm sitting up here?"

"And representing Universe Number Seven; Contestant Goku!" The commentator cheered. We all perked up and began to cheer for Goku. With another crack of the gong, the commentator cheered, "You may begin!" My brows dip and furrow in curiosity as the large, seemingly heavy weighted warrior bounces around the ring as if he weighed next to nothing.

"Turn around, Goku! He's right behind you!" Krillen shouts as Goku nearly gets shunted out of the ring.

"Hey! Why didn't you attack me? I was wide open!" Goku complained to the large Botamo. I slapped my palm onto my forehead.

"He's always too damn polite," I complain. Botamo just angles his hand up and starts beckoning Goku to advance.

"And Botamo is just egging him on!" The announcer chirps. "A cocky start from the Sixth Universe! Meanwhile, Goku's style can best be compared to a scared little child! Why is the Seventh Universe so slow out of the gates?"

"Man, oh, man! Lord Champa told me you were weak, but you're even worse than I imagined!" Botamo mentioned. "If you're not going to try to give me a fight, you might as well just tap out now so I can get started on my nap."

"Hey! Don't embarrass me!" Beerus barked.

"I ate way too much barbecue at lunch," Goku comments.

"That's his issue?" I murmur in embarrassment. Goku starts squatting to work off some of the food Chi-Chi and I cooked on the way to the tournament.

"Hold on, pal. Just trying to digest lunch here so I can get in the swing of things." Goku chirps happily.

"The slow moving Goku has admitted he overate before the match!" The announcer exclaimed. "We gotta remember not to serve free food when Goku's around!"

I just let out a sigh as the others laugh in amusement. "I don't got all day, so here's a little something to soothe your tum-tum." Botamo chuckles.

He spits out a green bolt of energy and Goku leaps out of the way, rubbing his stomach with a delighted hum. "Hey, dodging that actually loosened things up! Keep those power loogies coming, pal! They really help!"

"Loogies--" Eschalot chirps in amusement.

"That's disgusting--" I murmur as Goku runs around the ring, avoiding the... loogies from Botamo's mouth.

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