"I'm Sorry..."

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A/N: I'm sooo soo sooo sorry I haven't updated in ages!! This is the second to last chapter! The book is almost complete!

*Gives tissues*



"Michealangelo, is there something else you want to tell us? Perhaps, the real reason why you have stopped pranking?" Splinter prodded.

Mikey froze. The other turtles glanced at him in mild confusion. Mikey backed up a little. His father gave him an encouraging look.

Suddenly, the orange-banded turtle turned around and ran out of the room, out of the lair and into the sewers, leaving his family shell-shocked.


"Mikey!" The turtles called after their younger brother. But, Mikey had already passed through the turnstiles. "Michaelangelo!" Splinter spoke in alarm. Their cries fell on deaf ears.

"Why'd he run off?!" Raph asked in shock. "I don't know, but we need to find him!" Donnie said quickly.

"I am going with you!" Splinter added, surprising the turtles who nodded. It wasn't often that Splinter went with them, but they allowed it.

The clad ninjas and their master hurried out of the lair, searching for the runaway turtle. They knew he couldn't have gotten far.

But, it was getting dark and hard to see. Splinter was able to see in the dark though, so he led his sons through the shadows, keeping them all out of sight. "Mikey!" They called.

"Michealangelo?" Splinter called for his son as well. There was silence. The four of them sighed. Suddenly, they heard noises coming from an ally.

Their eyes widened as the clan immediately went to check out out. The soft sound of crying alerted them. "Mikey...?" Donnie called. The sound stopped. Their hearts ached painfully.

"Please come out little brother..." Raph almost begged. Mikey sighed and came out of hiding, his face streaked with tests. "W-What are you dudes doing here?" He choked out.

"What are we doing here? Mikey, you fled the lair, you think we wouldn't come after you?!" Leo crossed his arms as he faced his youngest brother. Mikey looked down a little.

The youngest turtle then saw Splinter and his baby blue eyes widened in surprise. "Sensei? What are you doing here?" Mikey questioned, his voice hoarse from crying so much.

Splinter simply placed his hand on his son's head. "I wanted to make sure you were alright, my son...we were terribly worried when you ran off." Splinter said as Mikey sighed.

Raph stepped forward, placing his hand on Mikey's shoulder in case he tried to run away again. "Mike, why'd ya leave like that?" He asked, keeping his voice calm for his brother's sake.

Mikey looked down, releasing a shuddering breath. "I...I just..." He trailed off. His family moved a little closer to him, pulling him into their embrace. Mikey froze in shell-shock.

Just like that, the orange-clad turtle broke down in his family's arms. "I...I could've killed you...!" He sobbed, tears dripping onto the concrete.

The brothers and father's faces fell as they held Mikey tightly. "My stupid prank almost got the three of you killed!" He clung to his onni-sans. Leo, Raph and Donnie held him tight.

Then, it all came clear. Everything made sense now. The brothers and Splinter knew what was going on. "Mikey...it was just an accident, we weren't hurt that bad..." Donnie said.

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