spin the bottle

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Pov-all the rpdr season 13 girls are chillin together out of drag in the hotel lounge. (I'm using their drag names when they are in and out of drag to avoid confusion)

"I'm bored let's play spin the bottle. Who ever it lands on gets to dare someone to do something"
Everyone agrees and rosé spins the bottle. It goes around and around but lands on kandy muse.

'Tina I dare you to rather tell us who you like here or kiss Elliott' says kandy knowing tina will choose to say who she likes. Tina stands up and walks over to elliott. She grabs elliotts arm and pulls her up. Tina  grabs her waist and pulls her in and kisses her. Their kiss only lasts a few seconds  but it seems like forever. Tina pulls away from elliott and walks back to her spot. Kandy looks shook and gottmik says 'ok gorge'.

Tina spins the bottle and it lands on denali. 'I dare you to give rosé a lap dance'. Rosé leans back on the sofa and denali starts grinding down on her. Denali grabs rosés hips and moves them in perfect time with her own. Denali realises she is enjoying this too much and she stands up and pecks rosé on the lips before sitting down again.

Denali spins the bottle and it spins around and around before stopping on kandy again. 'Joey I dare you to kiss anyone in this room for more than 10 seconds' says kandy and we all know she wanted joey to kiss her. After a few seconds of thinking joey turns to denali who is sitting beside her and pulls her in for a kiss. Denali looks shocked,kandy looks pissed and rosé looks mad that joey is kissing her man. After about 15 seconds denali pulls away and wipes her lips drawing laughs from the other girls. Joey blushes as rosé puts her arm around denali while scouling at joey. The girls decide to go to their rooms because they all need to shower. However a few girls stay behind....

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