Popcorn and Brothers

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I couldn't wait till I got home to see my brothers, it's just that tonight is girls' night and I don't want them intruding.
"You coming?" A voice interrupted my thoughts which I soon recognized was Ciara's. I realized that we were sitting in my drive way.
"You look like you have something on your mind. Wanna talk about it?" She said sincerely.
"No I'm fine CiCi but you're about to find out what was bothering." I chuckled lightly to myself
"What do you mean?" She said as we approached the porch.
I pushed open the cracked door to my house.
Then I was attacked by four maniacs.
"Get off of me dick head." I screeched.
"That's no way to treat your favorite brother." My brother Mason said with a pouty face.
"Hey little sis. How's school being treating ya?" My other brother Justin asked.
"Great I missed you!" I said cheerfully.
Someone tapped me on my shoulder.
"What do you want Xavier?" I deadpanned. He was always the master prankster of my four brothers.
Might I add, he's also the reason everyone knows me because I'm a Johnson.
Just then I was being thrown over someone's shoulder.
"Put me down!" I shrieked. in case you were wondering I have four brothers.
And they're quadruplets. Cue the excitement. What a fantastic thing to have. No it's really not.
Ashley came back down the stairs from my room. I guess she was putting her stuff away.
"Hey dork-a-trons." Ashley said to my brothers.
She walked over to each of them and ruffled their hair.
"Hi Ash." Justin cooed and patted her head like a puppy.
"Don't touch me pussy pop." I she said menacingly.
"I can make your pussy pop." Justin said with a smirk and a wink.
Did I mention that I was still being held.
"Who's this cutie?" Trent asked. the one who was holding me.
"Put me down and I'll tell you bird brain." I said angrily.
"Okay, okay, chill." He said coolly.
"I'm Ciara but everyone calls me CiCi." Ciara said to my brothers.
I noticed how Trent was checking her out.
"What's your name?" She asked him politely.
"You got drool on your face doofus." Then I elbowed him in the chest.
"What was that for?" He asked rubbing his tummy.
"His name's Trent." I said answering her question.
"And this is Mason, Justin, and Xavier." I said pointing towards each of my brothers.
"I smell popcorn." Xavier said since I came through the door.
"Yes and it's got us because we're having girls' night and if you want your own then go make it." I said, blocking their entry towards the kitchen.
"Let me go." I said just as my brothers grabbed my legs and arm. Each of them holding one or the other.
Ashley and CiCi just sat there amused.
"You're not gonna help?" I questioned. And to be honest I think they were heading to throw me in the pool.
My eyes were closed the whole time I was being carried until I felt a cool breeze.
"Sorry baby sis." They said in unison which I admit is very creepy.
Then I felt the cold water hit me like a dodgeball in gym class.
I came back up from the water soaking fucking wet.
"You're replacing my J's." I said then stormed off.
"Looks like someone's been taking anger management." Justin said.
Then Xavier added on "Yeah she would've normally threatened to kill us." And then Trent just shrugged.

"Did you get the popcorn?" I asked a giggling Ashley and CiCi.
"Yeah." Then they flashed me an empty bowl.

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