Perfect Attendance

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I groaned slightly as I tried to turn over but I realized there was a big arm weighing me down. "Move." I grumbled more to myself.

Then an alarm clock went off. "Shit." I cursed now wide awake. Then I realized I was laying next to Brandon in his bed.
"Wake up." I yawned, sleep lacing my voice.
"Brandon." I said.
"5 more minutes." He grumbled huskily with sleep in his voice.
"Brandon get up. We have school." I said getting irritated.
"Fine." He grumbled like a little kid being told no.
He got up and crawled out if bed to go to his in suite bathroom. Not before tripping over a pair of pants in the middle of his floor.
I let out a light giggle at Brandon's morning clumsiness.
"Brandon I need some clothes." I said.
"Looks like we'll have to leave earlier so I can take you home to get some clothes. Don't worry cupcake I know about your perfect attendance record." He said with sleepy smirk on his face.
"Thanks." I chirped.

We left the house after Brandon was finished getting ready and trust me he takes longer than me. He claims he skipped out on some of his usual routines. But damn how much shit dies he go through in the morning.

"What do you want for breakfast cupcake?" He questioned with a big smile on his face.
"A cupcake." I replied.
"The best I can get you is a muffin no one sells cupcakes at 7:00 in the morning." He chuckled.
"Fine but we're going to McDonalds." I said cheekily.
We sat in the car the rest if the way in comfortable silence. We finally pulled to my house and then I realized that I didn't live to far away from Brandon.

"I'll be back, you can go change while I run to McDonald's to get us breakfast. Do you want anything else besides a muffin cupcake?" Brandon asked sweetly.

"Yeah, orange juice and two breakfast burritos with mild sauce." I said cheekily.

"Got quite the appitite there cupcake." He said then chuckled.
I scurried off into the house to shower and change. After I had made it safely in the Brandon pulled off.
"Hey mom." I said walking up the stairs to my room.
Rewind. Why is my mom here?
I walked all the way back into living room.
"Mom what're you doing here, I thought you go to work at 5:00am?" I said curiously.
"Yeah honey but lately I've been a little restless so I decided to take that day off. But after you get out of school we're going on a spa day. Your welcome to bring along Ashley and Ciara." She said all in one breath.
"Thanks mom your the best but get some sleep." I said.
I ran up stairs to my room.
I immediately grabbed some clean clothes and towel and headed to my en-suite bathroom.

Unfortunately my shower was cut shirt because I had to get to school on time.
When I got out I dried off my body. Guess I was going to throw on one of my last-minute-outfits for the day today.
I guess what I had on was cool. I also guessed that I wasn't wearing makeup today either.
I grabbed my book bag and headed down stairs because Brandon was back to take me to school.
"Bye mom and get some sleep." I said before walking out the door.
I walked down the paved path that led to my drive way where Brandon's car was waiting.
I opened the door and hopped inside. "Mmm, I can taste the food already." I said, and then my stomach grumbled.
"Well then eat away because you sound hungry." He said with a light chuckle.
From my house to school was about a 10 minute drive. I was starting to think we weren't going to make.
"Why are you biting your nails?" Brandon asked curiously.
"If you're still hungry you could have said something." He laughed.
"Not funny, but because I'm getting nervous because we have five minutes to get to school and in class, but you're driving like my grandmother." I said, a little out breath.
"Are you saying I drive like an old lady?" Brandon questioned sound unamused.
"Yes I am now step on it." I said just as the light turned green.

I rushed to my locker eager to put in my combination and get to class seeing as I have a minute left to get there.

I rushed and rushed. Finally I chanted in my head.
20 seconds left.
I raced down the hallway. Luckily I used to run track and I made it in the nick of time.

I entered the classroom.
"You're late." Mr. Cooper said rudely.
"No I'm not the bell hasn't rang yet." I challenged.
"You need a tardy-" Mr. Cooper was cut off by the sound of the school bell.
I gracefully took my seat with a big smirk plastered across my face.
"Talk about saved by the bell." I chirped innocently.
The class snickered and Mr. Cooper gave me a hard stare before beginning the lesson.

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