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I just got out my 2nd elective which would be gym. I was tired but I had Chemistry 1 next. Never understood why the 1 was next to it but what ever.

"Good afternoon class." Mr. George said.
"Afternoon sir." I said walking in the class on time as usual.
In my opinion Mr. George was a pretty cool teacher. He just explains the work, and what ever we do after that is up to us, we still have to get it in by the due date but that's why I love this class.
"We're going to be working on a candy project, so I need everyone to bring in a bag of candy tomorrow. After we're done testing we can have a party and eat the candy that wasn't tested." Mr. George said. "The team that completes the project first will have a week of no homework." He continued.
"So what's the experiment?" Brandon asked.
"You have to test different colors to fugure out how many colors are used to make the candy color." He said answering Beandon's question.
"Cool." Brandon said.
Then the school bell rang.
"Alright class that's the bell." Mr.George said.
I went to locker and grabbed my snacks for lunch, which contained Flamin' Hot Chips, candy, and a brisk. Call me greedy but I'm sharing.
I stuffed all my be longings into my locker and traded them for my snacks. I casually made my way to the cafeteria until I heard something that caught my attention.
"She's hot dude." That voice sounded so familiar.
"I could play her easily, and get a good lay hopefully." The arrogant tone said confidently.
"So I bet that I can get laid by Lisa Freeman in 1 month." Daniel said all to cockily.
"I bet $200 that you can't." I recognized the voice as Brandon's. I heard wolf whistle of disagreement.
"Okay dude since you disagree I'll double your offer. If I don't get laid by Lisa Freeman within a month I'll give you $400 bucks." Daniel said. I could practically see the smirk on his face.
"Deal." Brandon said. I guess they shook hands after that because I didn't hear anything for a couple seconds.
"Let's head to lunch guys I'm starving." One of the other boys said.
"Shit." I cursed under my breath. I quietly tried to dash off without being noticed and I did.
I approached the usual table I sat at. "What took you so long?" Ashley said catching a couple of head turners.
"I was walking down the hallway and I heard Brandon and Daniel talking and they were making a bet-" I said before I was cut off by CiCi.
"What does that have to do with you?" She asked.
"They were making a bet about me. Daniel bet that he can get by me within a month and Brandon kinda stood up for me and said countered what Daniel said." Surprised I didn't run out of breath from that explanation.
Turns out CiCi and Ash were so eager to have lunch they grabbed mines for me. What wonderful friends I have.
After lunch the rest of the day went by in a blur. We were at Ashley's house getting ready for Brandon's party.

Author's note:
Off to the side is Brandon. Quite the hunk might I add. Does anyone else like pineapples? Okay maybe not but whatever.
So I know this book might kinda suck but give me a chance I'm not very experienced at this but vote and recommend this book please. If you have any cover ideas just inbox me. But I hope you like this book, I get bored, I'm an only child.

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