What Fight

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"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" I said to Paisley the school's grade A bitch or Daniel's current fling. "Why would I want the little man whore anyway?" I said my voice cool as a cucumber.
She stepped closer. I guess it was supposed to be intimidating. "Stay away from Daniel or you'll wish you never did." She said. This time it was my turn to step up. "How the hell do you expect me stay away from someone I sit next to, and have classes with?" I questioned, still keeping my cool tone.
"Stay the fuck away from him." She said while gritting her teeth.
"Make me." I challenged crossing my arms and smirking.
Then she pushed me. I instantly grabbed her hair and began punching her repeatedly. Ske kept trying to hit back but I was to strong. Her bimbo friends just sat there in shock.
Ashley and Ciara walked in only to see me blowing Paisley's shit in. My friends grabbed me and Paisley's grabbed her until they pulled us apart.
"What happened?" Ciara and Ashley screeched together. "I'll tell you later." I said as I stepped over Paisley's heel to go redo my bun. Grabbed my books and walked out the bathroom.
I went to my locker and put in my code. 32-08-15 I thought to myself. It opened and I put my books in for last period and I had a free period so I stalked off to find Ciara and Ash. My phone buzzed in my pants pocket.
Meet us at the library. xoxo ~CiCi
Omw ~ Lisa
I walked off in the direction of the school's library. On my way there I bumped into someone, someone who's rather rude.
"My bad." I said calmly.
"Yeah, next time watch where you're going." Daniel said. Just then Paisley and her bimbos rounded the corner. I noticed her face was a bit swollen.
"Dude what happened to your face? This is priceless." Daniel said cracking up at the idea of Paisley's swollen face. Her bimbos snickered.
"She is what happened to my face. And I thought I told you to stay away from Daniel." She screeched in a high pitch winey voice. "What'd you do to her face?" He asked amusement clear in his face. "You can't tell me what to do." I snapped back at Paisley.
"And the claws come out." Daniel said in amused tone.
"What'd you do to her face though?" He asked curiously. "I punched her in it repeatedly." I stated nonchalantly. He bust out in laughter. Ciara and Ashley came out the library only to find an angry Paisley, a laughing Daniel, and a bored Lisa. About 5 minutes later after Daniel was done laughing. "We're over Paisley, how could you let a little nerd girl beat you up." He said in not more of a statement than question. "But Danny," she whimpered like a dog, "it was off guard and I wasn't prepared to fight." She looking as if she was going to burst into tears at any moment. He just shrugged. "What ever Paisley we're done and don't call me Danny." He said in a monotone voice.
She let out a frustrated scream and stormed off. Welp there goes 20 minutes of my free period.
"So, mind explaining?" Ashley questioned.
So then I told them what happened. "You and Paisley actually had a fight like with fist?" CiCi asked dumbly. "What fight? With who?" I said pretending not to know what she was talking about.
After I was done explaining I used the rest of my period listen to music on my iPod.

Then the bell rang. I grabbed my stuff. I had AP history next. I was strolling down the hall and Paisley bumped into me on purpose and made me drop my books. "Oops." she giggled and sashayed off. I bent down to pick up my books when someone offered to help me. He grabbed my papers and my books. "Here you go." He chirped. "Thanks Brandon." I said gratefully. "So I'm having a party tonight, I hope you can make it." He said sounding full of hope. "Yeah I'll be there my friends are forcing me anyway so..." I said ready to get to class. "Okay then see you there." He said and walked off.
Brandon was a nice guy for the most part and he was on football team, he was okay looking. I skipped off to class. As I entered I found Daniel sitting next to the seat I wanted.
I just moved to the back because I really didn't want to be bothered with him right now.

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