Boys, Zach Efron, And Parties

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After I was dried off and changed the girls and I went up to my room.
"So how come I've never met your brothers? I mean yeah I know you had some but you never introduced me." Ciara said.
Ashley spoke up. "You've never met her brothers because you came to our school in the 10th grade and her brothers were in college when you came. Since we became friends in 11th grade you never met them until today." Ashley exclaimed surprisingly in one breath.

"I think Trent's cute." CiCi said.

"Gross." Me and Ash said as we gagged together.
"Come on let's be serious I know you have a crush one of Lisa's brothers Ash."
"No I'm okay, thanks." Ashley said with a disgusted face.
"Next topic!" I yelled over there chatter.
"Wait a second." I whispered and they stopped the chatter.

I got up and walked over towards my door.
I opened the door and 4 boys came tumbling down to the floor.
"Will you guys get a life." I said.
"Or a girlfriend." Ashley added.

"That hurt." Justin said, maybe it because he was on the bottom.
"Get off dude. You're crushing my ribs." Xavier said to Mason.
"I can't get off if Trent won't get off."
Mason said irritably.

"So Ash who are you crushing on?" Trent asked curiously.

"It's obviously me a duh." Mason said in a high pitched voice and pretended to flip his hair.

"Nuh uh." Xavier said snapping at Mason.

"Okay, before you penis pimples start bickering again get out and I don't like any of you in that way." Ashley stated before shooing them out the door.

"I'm up for a taste of Zach Efron." I chirped.
"I can totally work with that. Zach Efron is so flipping hot that he could keep me from cussing." Ashley said.
"Wow Zach must not play an important role in your life because you curse like a sailor." Ciara said and I bust out laughing.
"Ha ha very funny now can we watch 'Neighbors'?"
"Yeah but you only like the scene where they make dildos with there dicks." I said ecstatically.
"Well yeah and Zach will always have a big dick." Ashley said with the straightest face in the world.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" I screeched, now extremely disturbed.
"My poor virgin ears." Ciara whimpered, with a fake pout.

A/N : This chapter was so much longer than this but wattpad deleted more than half of this chapter and I really have no idea what I wrote.
I don't know if I want to try and rewrite the rest I won't. But I'm really sorry guys it could mess up the current chapters I'm writing. Once again I'm terribly sorry. But just keep on swimming lovelies. Btw I really love nemo.

Badass NerdTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon