Your first date with them

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You two went to a fancy restaurant and then went on a shopping spree. You two ended it with a car ride home cuddling in the back seat.

She brought you to a cat-maid cafe and soon went to a gambling den. You both obviously were both teaming up with each other. It ended with a cuddling seesh at her house.

She took you to the movies and watched a romantic movie. You then went to a small restaurant. Then you ended it walked home together and talked about your favorite part of the movie

She woke you up at 3am to take you to a all you can eat buffet. She ate to much and vomited. And then you two ended it by calling an Uber and making sure she's ok.

She would take you out on a picnic and fed you. She saw a creep and she immediately put her mask on and scared them off. She drove you home at the end

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