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-Hey, Minhee... can we talk please?-asked Sunoo. They were walking everyone was having fun but Sunoo couldn't help but be nervous.
-Yeah, of course.-he said then they walked behind the others.
-Look, I just wanted to talk to you cause I don't want it to be awkward and everything. -started Sunoo.-So you don't like me anymore, I don't like you anymore, we have our boyfriends, why don't we just try being friends?
-Oh okay. I'd like that.-smiled Minhee.
-And have you told Heeseung about me?
-No. It's not a big deal, we broke up long time ago, so...-laughed Minhee.-And you to Niki?
-No. Yeah you're right it's not a big deal.-smiled Sunoo too.
-What are you guys going?-asked Heeseung when he noticed that he's boyfriend is not by his side.
-Just talking and getting to know each other.-said Sunoo then Heeseung nodded. Minhee eventually went back to his boyfriend and Sunoo too.
-The weather is so nice.-smiled Jake while holding Sunghoon's hand.
-It's this good everyday, isn't it? I mean it's Australia.-asked Jay while Jungwon just rolled his eyes.
-Yeah, but I can't enjoy walking everyday cause I have a lot of things to do.
-Yeah.-said Sunghoon sadly.
Him and Jake has so many things to do nowadays that they barely get to spend time together. And even though it was with their friends, they were happy to just be with each other.
-Won't we go get dinner? I'm starting to get hungry.-said Niki.
-We just ate lunch.-scolded him Sunoo.
-It was at 1 o'clock. Now it's almost 6. Which was 5 hours ago. And it's almost dinner time.-said Niki and Sunoo immediately felt bad so he hugged him.
-Yes let's get dinner.-smiled Sunoo.
-Okay.-said Jay.
-You really wanna eat?-asked Jungwon suddenly being next to Jay.
-Yes, I do... Why?-asked Jay. Why is Jungwon being like this again?
-Oh nothing, I was just curious.
-Sorry for being a normal human, and wanting to eat damn. You really have a problem with everything.-said Jay angrily. After they broke up, they didn't really met up but when they did, Jungwon was a bitch to him and Jay had enough.
-Yes I do. Cause you're just an idiot, I can't believe I've ever loved you.-said Jungwon.
-Oh wow, thanks, that feels good.-said Jay and Jungwon felt guilty. But Jay ruined their relationship... of course he's gonna be mad at Jay...
-Okay guys can't you just stop please? Just for a while, it's starting to get really annoying.-said Sunghoon and the others nodded.
-Yeah and it's more annoying that you guys don't tell why you broke up and it's killing me.-shouted Jake a bit, suprising himself and the others.-We're your best friends and you guys don't tell us anything. It sucks.
-So... Where are we eating?-asked Heeseung after the awkward silence.
-Let's eat steak, okay?-asked Sunghoon and Jake nodded.
-I know the best place for it.

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