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-So guys, is everything okay?-asked Jay carefully from Jake and Sunghoon as they were eating breakfast.
-Yes.-smiled Sunghoon and Jake who smiled back.-We talked about it and we're good.
-That's great then. What you did yesterday was dope by the way.-laughed Niki and Sunoo hit him.-What?
-It wasn't dope.-said Sunoo angrily. -And you're the same...
-I'm totally not the same. This guy in front of me is your ex.-said Niki pointing at Minhee who was eating in front of him.
-Hello.-smiled Minhee waving.
-Okay I get it, just don't start this again.-sighed Sunoo but then he put his head on Niki's shoulder.
-I think we're the only normal couple in here.-laughed Heeseung looking at Minhee who was nodding.
-Why?-asked Sunghoon, Jay and Niki at the same time.
-Well...-started Heeseung.-Jay and Jungwon broke up because of a thing that didn't even happen, Niki and Sunoo were arguing about how Sunoo's ex is here and Sunghoon almost beat up a guy who wanted to get something off of Jake's face... so yeah, that's sums it up.
-You have a point.-sighed Jake.
-I'm sure that you and Minhee have fought over stupid things.-said Jungwon.
-No, we never did.-shook his head Minhee. -We are both reasonable, smart men.
-Yeah, remember the time Heeseung came to one of the tennis matches drunk? He was really smart back then.-said Jake sarcastically laughing. -I had so much fun that day.
-That was not on purpose. Night drinking went a bit long.-whispered Heeseung embarrassed.
-Hehe, Heeseung is an idiot.-said Niki like a child while the others were laughing.
-Come here you little shit. I'm not an idiot.-said angrily Heeseung and he started chasing Niki, who was running from him laughing.
-Kids.-shook his head Jungwon.
-By the way, thank you guys so much for having us here and taking care of us. I'm so glad I met you guys.-smiled Minhee at Jake and Sunghoon.
-Oh yeah of course.-said Jake while getting emotional.
-Ohhh somebody's gonna cry.-teased him Jay.
-Shut up I won't. I just missed you guys so much. -he said broking down suddenly and Sunghoon hugged him.
-Shh, baby. It's okay.-he said while patting Jake's back.
-We will be going to Korea more frequently. And... and you have to come out here more.-said Jake with breaks.
-Of course.-smiled Sunoo getting emotional too, and hugged Jake and Sunghoon.
-You're adorable.-smiled Sunghoon and he wiped Jake's tears.
-Thank you?-said Jake confused.
-Now we have to go. We'll miss the plane.-said Jay suddenly getting up. -Minhee and Sunoo gather your boyfriends.
-I'm on it.-said jokingly Sunoo and they tried to stop Heeseung from beating Niki.
-I'll miss them too. But we'll see each other soon.-smiled Sunghoon as he was looking at the mess their friends are creating.
-Yeah.-smiled Jake back and he kissed Sunghoon.
-Okay lovebirds. Now we have to go. Have a good day? Month? Year? I don't know.-said Jungwon then he ran up to Jake then to his best friend, Sunghoon.
-Take care of yourself you idiot, and don't do anything stupid. Don't lose Jake cause he's the only good thing is your life.
-Of course he is. Thank you.-said Sunghoon then they hugged each other.-And you don't dare to break up with Jay cause of another stupid thing. Don't be a baby.
-Okay you're already annoying me, let's go.-said Jungwon to which Sunghoon rolled his eyes.
-Jakey baby.-said teasingly Jay as he was approaching Jake.-Don't you wanna come back to Korea? I live alone and it sucks.
-I think you're gonna live with Jungwon now.-reminded him Jake.
-Oh yeah right.-laughed Jay.
-Stupid bitch.-whispered Jungwon.
-Anyways...ah hell I won't say goodbye cause it's hard and we'll see each other soon. Bye Jake.-said Jay and he quickly hugged Jake.
-Bye Jay. Take care of Jungwon.-laughed Jake.-And don't cheat on him.
-Hehe funny.-hit him Jay then he went back to his boyfriend.
-Sunoo, Niki, don't act like children anymore. -said Sunghoon teasingly.
-We'll try.-said Niki pushing Sunoo a bit.
-Goodbye Sunoo. -said Jake hugging Sunoo tightly.
-Bye Jakey.
-Okay one more hug here and there we have to go.-said Heeseung ruining the moment.
-Dammit Heeseung.-said Jay angrily.
-Okay okay.-sighed Niki.-Goodbye guys.
-Bye bye.-waved Jake and Sunghoon then they stepped out the door and went to the airport.
-So this is over.-said Sunghoon sitting down on the sofa.-We'll have a bit time for ourselves. Do you have anything to do this afternoon?
-No, I'll just be with you.-smiled Jake sitting next to Sunghoon and clinged onto him.-Do you wanna go for a walk with Layla?
-Of course. Let's go.-smiled Sunghoon holding Jake's hand and they went out.

So this was the second part of Loving You Is A Losing Game, and I hope you liked it. ❤️❤️  I published a new book with Enhypen read it if you want to:)

Gotta Go • JakehoonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ